By Alec98
  • 1st and 2nd Centuries

    1st and 2nd Centuries
    • Baptisms forgives the former sinner.- After Baptism, there is no absolution given for serious sin.- Forgiveness could only be received once in a lifetime- Hope of forgiveness for serious sin rests with the judgment of God.
  • From 300 onwards penance became:

    From 300 onwards penance became:
    • Public and communal, this linked to the celebration of the Eucharist.- Once in a lifetime - Necessary for only 3 sins giving up the faith, committing murder, breaking the marriage vow.- The ritual of Forgiveness was reserved for MAJOR sins and can be withheld for 3 – 15 years.- Excommunication – (Partial exclusion of a catholic from the life of the church), not allowed to receive of administer the sacrament.
  • From 400 to 600

    From 400 to 600
    • Private penance was developed by Irish Monks- Penances were listed to explain in “Penitential book”- Penance could be given many times during a lifetime- Questions arose about whether penance should be private or public
  • From 1000 to 2000

    From 1000 to 2000
    • A pattern for Reconciliation developed - Confession – Person sins to priest - Contrition – person is genuinely sorry- Absolution-Priest offers forgiveness on behalf of God- Satisfaction-under direction of priest person does something to atone/mend damage caused
  • 16th Century

    16th Century
    • The council of Trent, confession of penance declared a Sacrament of the church
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    • The second Vatican council (1962 – 1965) called for the revision of the Sacrament - The Ancient themes of journey and conversion were reintroduced - In 1973 it was announced, promoting the 3 rites in which it may be celebrated today.- New emphasis on God’s mercy and love and the opportunity it offered- The importance of the community dimension was stressed- Catholics encouraged to have community as well as individual acknowledgement of sin.