In 1945-1954 the recommended vaccines to get were DTP and small pox.In 1947 diphtheria cases where at its highest.When getting the DTP vaccine it gave you advantages such as less injections and lower cost of shipping and stocking vaccine doses.The vaccine was combined with a whole-cell pertussis vaccine with diphtheria and tenuous toxins.The small pox vaccine was recommended at the age of around 1. -
Period: to
history of immunization
In 1955-1964 you should get a vaccine for polio plus the vaccine that you should get in 1945-1954 witch are small pox and DTP. When people started to get vaccine for polio the cases went from 52,879 cases in 1952 to 886 in 1962. -
In 1972 the small pox vaccine was out dated because no one was getting it any more so no body got the vaccine.A oral polio vaccine was issued in 1960 and it replaced the IPV vaccine. And a three virus OPV vaccine was created in 1963 and by 1968 the IPV vaccine was out dated.A new recommended vaccine was measles and there were 300,00-760,000 cases of it every year in the USA.When people got the vaccine case numbers went down by 97% by 1968. -
The recommended vaccines were DTP and Polio and MMR. The measles, mumps, rubella vaccine was recommend to children in the 1977. there where 57,345 cases of measles in 1977 and when they took the vaccine it went down 95%. -
In 1992 the Pan American Health Organization reported that 3 years have passes since there has been a case so Polio. So that make them the first world health organization to eradicate a diseases. Between 1989 and 1991 there was a out brake of the measles and sickens more that 55,000 Americans and killed close to 100.A new recommended vaccine for HIB was made for children 18 months and up.It infects 12,000 kids anally and kills 600 and leaves the other with deafness,seizures, and disabilities. -
In 1991 a vaccine for hepatitis B was recommended to children.By 2000 the polio vaccine was phased out because no body was getting it anymore.In 1995 a chicken pox vaccine was recommended to children. It was 85-95%effective in preventing all varicella infections and 100% effective in preventing moderate and severe chickenpox.For the 2004 influenza season the ACIP recommended influenza vaccine for children ages 6-23. -
add on to 1995-2004
The DTaP vaccine was created in 1991 and was phased out in as part of the DTP vaccination scheduled.The DTaP vaccine causes less side affects than the DTP vaccines.The vaccine for varicella was taken out in 1999 due to safety concerns.The pneumococcal vaccine was made in 2000 and when people started taking it it dropped down by 80%. -
The pneumococcal vaccine has been recommended to children ages 11-12.Now a booster is recommended at age 16.A hepatitis A vaccine was made in 1995 and recommend in 2006 to children. The HPV vaccine was made in 2006 and is recommended for ages 11-12.In 2006 a influenza vaccine where extended to all children ages 6 months to 4 yeas old.And in 2007 it was boosted to ages 5.The rota virus caused an estimated 20 to 60 deaths put 55,00-70,000 in hospitals.Then in 2008-2009 it went 60% lower.