The History of the Guitar

  • 1400 BCE

    The Hittites

    The Hittites
    Carved picture of a man playing a string instrument.
  • 1200 BCE

    The Cithara

    The Cithara
    Greeks change the two string lyre to make it more professional.
  • 700

    The Oud

    The Oud
    By now, the Cithara has become popular in Spain and Portugal. The Moors conquer Spain and introduce the 4 string Oud, which will modify the Cithara even more
  • 1400

    The Vihuela

    The Vihuela
    The 4 string Cithara has evolved into the Moorish Guitar and the Latin Guitar. The Vihuela is invented at this time and becomes the preffered stringed instrument for the next 200 years
  • The Baroque Guitar

    The Baroque Guitar
    This guitar is invented due to difficulties playing and tuning the Vihuela.
  • The Modern Day Acoustic Guitar

    The Modern Day Acoustic Guitar
    One "Aha" moment happens when Antonio Torres Jurado modifies the guitar by increasing the size of the body and the neck
  • The Modern Day Acoustic Guitar

    The Modern Day Acoustic Guitar
    The six string acoustic guitar is modified to its common day look.
  • The Electric Guitar

    The Electric Guitar
    This "Aha" moment happened in the garage of George Beauchamp. It's name is the "Frying Pan"