Robert Hooke Publishes Micrographia
Robert Hooke publishes Micrographia, the book covered everything from the life span of mosquitoes to the craters on the moon -
Francesco Redi sets out to prove maggots are from fly eggs
Sparked the theory of spontantious cells appearing. Using rotton meat, he learns how flys and maggots appeared in rotting food. -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek Looks are a drop of water
Inspired by Hooke, Leeuwenhoek builds his own microscope and uses it to observe water. He says "...wretched beasties, they stop, they turn themselves around.. they are no bigger than a fine grain of sand." Leeuwnhoek observes microbes until the end of his life -
Leeuwenhoek describes Spirogyra
He was not a good artists, so he gave exact descriptions of what he was looking at. He then, hired an artist to draw it for him. -
Lazzaro Spallanzani sets out to disprove spontanious generation
He started with tightly sealed bottles, then worked his way up. He succeds in his work and disproves spontanious generation. -
Matthias Schleiden Theorizes that everything is made of cells
Schleiden theorized that everything is made of cells. They are made like bricks in a house. He called them cells because the resemble a Priests cell. -
Karl von Siebold mircrobes are made of cells
This adds to Schwann and Schleien's theories. He is most notable know for his giving the taxon Protozoa as well as Arthopoda and Rhizopoda. -
Theodor Schwann Purposes that animals are made of cells
One year after Schleiden. Schwann theorizes that animals are made of cells too. In fact, there are nerve cells named after him. The Schwann Cell, is a supporting cell of the peripheral nervous system. -
Ignaz Semmelweiss suggests that microbes can cause diesease
Studying childbed fever, he noticed that his co workers were getting sick because they were not washing themselves off when working with sick patients. Reduces death by cleaning his tools. -
Rudolf Virchow suggests "all cells arise from cells"
That all the cells are made of even smaller cells. He was not wrong in his idea. His ideas were later expanded upon by many other sciencetists. -
Louis Pasteur proves cells come from other cells
Proves to the acadamy of sciences with a now famous expirement. By heating products, he would kill microbes and make the product safe to consume. -
Florence Nightinggale Publishes her thoughts on disease
The english nurse pulishes her thoughts on cleanliness. She saved soldiers in the Crimean War and was known as "The Lady with The Lamp" for her nightly rounds at the hospital. -
Louis Pasteur suggest killing microbes with chemimcals
Pasteur suggests that killing the microbes before comsuming the product will reduce the chance of diease. He says cooking something for 15 seconds at 71 degrees celcius will kill the microbes. -
Pasteur helps the silk industry
Asked by the silk industry, Pasteur theorizes that the worms are eating infected plants, thus making them die. He suggests they feed the worms different plants. In the end, it worsks and he saves the industry. -
Joseph Lister comes up with the idea of using antiseptics on tools
Improving on Pasteur's ideas, Lister starts cleaning his tools with antiseptics. Instead of using heat, he uses chemicals. By rubbing his tools in carbolic acid, he reduces death rates among patients. -
Robert Koch discovers anthrax, tuberculosis and cholera
While working with infected cattle, Koch indentifes individal mircrobes causing the diseases. He went on to prove and gain support on his theory of infectious diseases. -
William Stewart Halsted first uses rubber gloves for an operation
He would sterilize his gloves and tools with heat and chemicals that microbes couldn't live in. Much like Pasteur did with milk and other products. -
Ads for disposable tissues first come out
To throw out once used. This norm was to use a pocket hanky and after use to put back in the pocket. Once dispossable tissues had come out, they was a succes and are used today as a hyigene item.