The History of the English Language Timeline Project

  • 410

    The Goths sack Rome

    The Goths sack Rome
    The first Germanic tribes arrive in Britain.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Earliest Manuscript Records of Old English.

  • Jan 1, 731

    Venerable Bede (Old English)

    Venerable Bede (Old English)
    The monk who composed The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. It was written in Latin. Example of an Old English phrase: Gōdne morgen. meaning good morning
  • Jan 1, 900

    English and Danes Mix (Old English)

    The words sister, wish, skin, and die came into the language.
  • Jan 1, 975

    Beowulfs Writing ( Old Engilsh)

    Beowulfs Writing ( Old Engilsh)
    Considered by some scholars to be one of Old English most important writings. Old English Phrase: Iċ þæt ne undergiete. meaning "I don't understand"
  • Oct 10, 1066

    The Norman Invasion (Beginning of Middle Ages)

    The Norman Invasion (Beginning of Middle Ages)
    William, duke of Normandy, invades
  • Jan 1, 1209

    University of Cambridge is founded (Middle English)

    University of Cambridge is founded (Middle English)
    Public research university founded by oxford scholars.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta (Middle English)

    Magna Carta (Middle English)
    The Magna Carta has been used for the last 800 years in laws and constitution.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    English Translation of The Bible

    English Translation of The Bible
    John Wycliffe publishes his English translation of The Bible
  • Jan 1, 1362

    Statue of Pleading (Middle English)

    Statue of Pleading (Middle English)
    The Statute of Pleading makes English the official language in England. Parliament is opened with its first speech delivered in English.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Middle English)

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Middle English)
    Geoffrey Chaucer writing about a pilgrimage to Canterbury England. Thirty Pilgrims were each to have told two tales on the way and again on the return journey. Middle English word: maistow, maystow: may you, you may
  • Jan 1, 1440

    The invention of the Printing Press (Middle English)

    The invention of the Printing Press (Middle English)
    William Gutenberg who was a gold smith was the inventor on the press. Middle English word: fay, fey: faith
  • Aug 3, 1492

    The discovery of North America (Middle English)

    The discovery of North America (Middle English)
    Christopher Columbus is credited as the explorer who made the Americas known to the European people.
  • Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio (Early Modern English)

    Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio (Early Modern English)
    These plays were put together after Shakespeare's death.
  • The American Revolution (Early Modern English)

    The American Revolution (Early Modern English)
    The American Revolution dates from 19 April 1775 through 3 September 1783 Early Modern English words: acknown: aware. [Othello] adventure my discretion: risk my reputation. [The Tempest] aery: nest. [Hamlet]
  • Texting (Late Modern)

    Texting (Late Modern)
    Test messaging became mainstream by the year 2000 with an average of 35 messages per month. A small number compared with today's use an average of 2022 per month.
  • Facebook (Late Modern)

    Facebook (Late Modern)
    With the launch of Facebook people could communicate and maintain friendships across the globe with numerous people at once.
  • The Use of Acronyms (Late Modern)

    The Use of Acronyms (Late Modern)
    Acronyms have now become a mainstream way of communication.