The History of the English Language

  • Period: 400 to 1100

    Old Era

  • 410

    End of Roman rule in Britain

    The Romano-British expelled the magistrates of Constantine III. This allowed post-Roman British to transfer from Romania.
  • 550

    Anglo-Saxon Settlement of Britain

    The process which changed most of the language and culture of what became England.
  • Period: 700 to 750

    Suspected date of Beowulf's writing

  • 725

    Beowulf's writing

    Beowulf's writing
  • 1066

    Norman Invasion

    Norman Invasion
    Duke of Normandy invaded and conquered England. England took over again but French was now mixed with English.
  • Period: 1100 to 1500

    Middle Era

  • 1400

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
    Collection of 24 stories written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer. Considered Chaucer's magnum opus.
  • 1492

    Discovery of America

    Explorer Christopher Columbus is known for discovering America. Discovered the Americas while sailing on the ship Santa Maria.
  • 1500

    Invention of Printing Press

    Goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. The printing press allowed for the publication of the first dictionary.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Early Modern

  • Publication of Shakespeare's first Folio

    Containing 36 plays Shakespeare's first Folio was published by Edward Blount, and William and Isaac Jagger.
  • American Revolution

    The 13 Colonies rejected the imperial rule. They fought the British army and won gaining freedom.
  • Period: to

    Late Modern