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The History Of The English Language

  • 113

    Invasion Of Germanic Times

    Invasion Of Germanic Times
    The Germanic tribes is apart of the roman downfall in Scandinavia, the year 1000 BCE.
  • 597

    Christianity and Literacy

    Christianity and Literacy
    A faith in Jesus Christ. Also teachings of Him and of the Gospel.
  • 1000

     Suspected date of Beowulf's writing

     Suspected date of Beowulf's writing
    Suspected writing of Beowulf was a poem that was written. It is not entirely clear of the intent of the poem.
  • 1066

    The Norman Invasion

    The Norman Invasion
    This was the invasion of England. It had a lot to do with what our phonics are today. This even drastically changed the English language.
  • 1066

    The Vikings

    The Vikings
    The Vikings were Germanic Norse seafarers, who spoke old Norse language.
  • 1066

    Norman Conquest Of England

    Norman Conquest Of England
    The invasion of England by soldiers that are Norman, Breton and French.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    This is a principle in which everyone is subjected to the law
  • 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The black death was a disease that turns your skin black and was spread by rats. This destroyed homes and lives, and is known as one of the most harmful tragedies.
  • 1350

    The Great Vowel Shift

    The Great Vowel Shift
    The change in modern English speaking and vowels.
  • 1387

    Chacuer's cantebury tales

    Chacuer's cantebury tales
    is a collection of stories written about people who traveled as pilgrims to Canterbury.
  • 1440

    The Invention of The Printing press

    The Invention of The Printing press
    This was a printing system used to produce pages. Helped solidify peoples understanding of the language and transport of the language to other places.
  • 1445

    The Bible

    The Bible
    The bible is Christian scriptures.
  • 1485

    The English Renaissance

    The English Renaissance
    This was a cultural and artistic movement in England around the 15th century into the 17th century.
  • 1492

    Discovery Of North America

    Discovery Of North America
    The Norse colonies were abandoned and the Vikings voyages weren't common, than around 1492 the Europeans discovered north America
  • publication of shakspeares first folio

    publication of shakspeares first folio
    is the historical events in Shakespeare's plays, along with his records, dates.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    It was political upheaval in which 13 American colonies rejected the British monarchy.