The History of the English Language

  • 450

    Old English (450-1100 AD)

    Old English (450-1100 AD)
    the 3 Germanic tribes spoke all spoke similar languages which developed in to what we call today, Old English.
  • 500

    Settlement in Britain (500-600AD)

    Settlement in Britain (500-600AD)
    the Angles, the Saxons. and the Jutes settled in Britain during the 5th and 6th century and forced the Celtic speakers to leave. the Angles came from England in which there language, Englisc and now the words from English and England developed.
  • Jul 19, 1066

    the Normans

    the Normans
    The people who gave their name to Normady. They transformed both culturally and linguistically. For over 300 years, French was the language spoken - thousands of French words were embedded in the english dictionary.
  • Jan 27, 1100

    Foremation of Middle English(1100-1500)

    Foremation of Middle English(1100-1500)
    the duke of Normandy invaded and took over England. the Normans brought over a type of French which became the language of the royal court. in the 14th century Britain was speaking English again with a few frech words which developed into what we call today, Middle English.
  • Nov 19, 1500

    Early Modern English(1500-1800)

    Early Modern English(1500-1800)
    printers were invented and books became cheaper so the british already knew that pronounciation would have changed and how vowels were pronounced. the entire grammer and pronounciation concept had changed during this time period.
  • Late Modern English(1800-Present)

    Late Modern English(1800-Present)
    many new vocabulary terms and phrases were added to the English Language, Many people started noticing the difference between Modern English and Late Modern English.
  • Anglo Saxons

    Anglo Saxons
    one third of Anglo Saxon vocabulary is included in Modern English such as many of our basic words we use everyday for example, food ,sing, water, etc.
  • St.Augustine

    Latin words were led by St.Augustine, converting the Anglo Saxons from their pagan beliefs to a catholic christian faith. many of the new words from Latin refer to a religion.