The Altair 8800
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The Altair 8800 was the first personal computer which means that it was easily affortable and attainable. Originally priced at $650 when pre-assembled, this device had no keyboard or monitor and was controlled by swtiches in the front. -
Steve Jobs Create Apple Inc.
More InfoOn this day Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne together created the computer company Apple. This same year the Apple I was created by Wozniak and Jobs in a garage. -
Apple II
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The Apple II was the first computer to have color display and a case with a keyboard which many other early computers did not yet have. This made it one of the most popualr computers ever. This computer also was the first to include expansion slots with many different opportunities for the user to improve the computer. -
Commodore PET 2001
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Created as competition to the computer company Apple's personal computer, this was also one of the first personal computers created. This popular piece of technology cost $495 and at first the company could only produce 30 units a day. -
Osbourne Computer
More Info This was considered the first portable computer. It weighed about 25 pounds and cost $1,795. This computer was revolutionary because a person could buy it, take it home, and then be able to immediatly use it since everything was included. -
The Lisa
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This computer was the first of its kind to successfully include a GUI. However, since the computer was priced at about $9,000 it did not gain much popularity. -
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This computer was created by Apple and became one of its best-selling computers. Included in this new computer was a GUI and a 3.5-inch floppy disc drive. -
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Created by Marc Andreessen and his team, Mosaic was the first Web browser used by a large amount of people. This browser allowed people to view multimedia on the Web -
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Started before Internet Explorer, Netscape was also a very popular web browser. It is also credited with the creation of both the Secure Sockets Layer Protocol and Javascript which are both used today even though Netscape is not. -
Internet Explorer
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Internet Explorer was the web browser that was created by the computer comany Microsoft that first began with reading basic HTML. This new broser later successfully integrated web functionality into Microsoft Office applications.