First video game invented by MIT student called Spacewar
Sesame Street aired on television to children around the world
First handheld calculator invented
Scantron machines were introduced to grade multiple-choice tests
PLATO compuer was used in schools
First computer lab added
Illinois State Plan for Information Technology in K-12 Education is adopted
Illinois began funding technology in K-12 schools
Desktop computers installed in every classroom
First statedwide data collection is taken
The Internet was first available and used in the building
Governor Ryan enacted the Illinois Century Network (ICN) to provide high-speed connectivity to all levels of education
Interactive whiteboards began to replace the chalkboard in schools
ISBE hires Westat to evaluate the usage and nfluence of technology in Illinois K-12 schools.
The Illinois 2002-2007 State Technology Plan is developed
Illinois adopts ISTE's National Technology Education Standards
State estables a comprehensive Digital Age, Transformative Learning framework
All candidates seeking an Initial Teaching Cerifitcate must pass a test based on the Illinois Technology Standards for Teachers
Projectors installed in every classroom
Document cameras installed in every classroom
iClicker is introduced and used to poll students quickly
First classroom Wi-Fi was used
XO Laptop is introduced
Second computer lab added to the building
Illinois becomes a Governing State in the Partnership for Assessment and Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
Apple iPad became a part of classrooms around the country
Wireless media devices added to selected classrooms
Technology coach position created and hired
1:1 laptop program implemented
Illinois replaces paper-based K-12 assessments with PARCC, a computer-based assessment
Computer-based state assessment, PARCC, was administered