The History of Surgery/Medicine. By: Selena Benites.

  • 6500 BCE

    Skulls are trepanned

    Skulls are trepanned
    Trepanned is a tool that is used to shallow holes.These tools are used to cut holes into a human's head
  • Period: 6500 BCE to 400 BCE

    Ancient times

  • 1500 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    Ancient Egyptians surgeons used clamps,saws,forceps,scalpels.These were the tools for surgeons during the ancient time but helped modern tools improve over the years.
  • 460 BCE


    Hippocrates was a Greek physician, who become a famous figure in the history of medicine. He was most famous for his Hippocratic Oath which explains a lot of things such as keep the patients privacy,preventing diseases, and many more. Hippocrates Oath was re-written in 1964 by Louis lasagna.
  • 300 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    Ancient Greeks Bathe wounds in wine to prevent the wounds being infected. This may seem odd but also helped improve modern day disinfectant.
  • 130 BCE


    Galen was a physician, writer and philosopher. His theories dominated European medicine for many years.he documented the importance of spinal cord for the movement of the limbs and did tracheotomy to help breathing issues.
  • Period: 400 to 1400

    The Middle Ages

  • 541

    Bubonic plaque

    Bubonic plaque
    A dangerous diease that killed 10,000 people/day.This plaque was mainly carried around by mouses and their fleas.
  • 643

    Chen Ch'uan

    Chen Ch'uan
    Chen describes symptoms of diabetes by thirst and a sweet urine.Chen's discoveries helped modern day chemicals figure out if urine was sweet or not and help figure out if someone has diabetes
  • 1140

    Norman King Roger II

    Norman King Roger II
    Norman King Rodger II made it that you need a license to practice medicine. ( Woman are not allowed to practice medicine during this time. ) But Midwives are allowed to assist women in labor.
  • 1229

    Religion and medicine

    Religion and medicine
    Christians and Muslims both had different hospitals during the middle ages.In Islamic hospitals they had wards for diffrent illnesses and train nurses.In Christian hospitals they had local healers and a common treatment was to rest and pray.
  • 1300

    Barber Surgeons

    Barber Surgeons
    Barber surgeons did amputations and set broken bones ( also many more ).Barber surgeons are in a lower status than university educated doctors.
  • Period: 1400 to

    The Renaissance

  • 1450


    The church allowed some dissections of human bodies at medical schools but Galen ideas still dominate.Dissections allowed others to see into the human body, which could help them discover further into the human body.
  • 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo dissects human bodies and creates drawings of the body. These drawings showed how a human body somewhat looks like.
  • 1536

    Ambrose Pare

     Ambrose Pare
    Ambrose Pare created a mixture of egg yolk,rose oil, and turpentine rather than hot oil. Pare used this mixture on wounds
  • 1543

    Andreas Veasalius

     Andreas Veasalius
    Andreas Veasalius made The Fabric of the Human Body.It contained many realistic drawings of the human body
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek made a improvement to the microscope.This discovery helped the study of microbiology improve over time.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Claudius Aymand

    Claudius Aymand
    Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy.This success made doctors confident on doing appendix surgery's.
  • Doninique-Jean Larrey

    Doninique-Jean Larrey
    Doninique-Jean Larrey invents a ambulance service for wounded men.The ambulance made a quicker way to bring injured people to the hospital.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    Edward Jenner made the worlds first vaccination ( also the worlds first Small Pox Vaccination ). This creation made a huge impact in the medical industry, since vaccination could prevent diseases and many more illnesses.
  • Rene Laennec

    Rene Laennec
    Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope.The stethoscope made huge impact since we didn't need to struggle to hear someones heart beat.
  • James Blundell

    James Blundell
    James performs the first successful transfusion of human blood.This changed history since it helped transfusion to become a safer practice
  • Period: to

    Modern Era

  • Rubber gloves used for the first time

    Rubber gloves used for the first time
    Rubber gloves are first used during surgery. Rubber gloves helped improve infection and are safer for the surgeons.
  • Novocaine

    Novocaine is used as a local anesthetic. Novocaine gets used a lot in dentistry since it reduces pain.
  • Kidney Transplant

    Kidney Transplant
    The first kidney transplant is done, by Richard Lawler. This kidney transplant gave many people chances to donate and to get a kidney, this saved many peoples lives.
  • HeLa Cells

    HeLa Cells
    HeLa cells are oldest and most commonly used cell. HeLa cells are used in research
  • Laser eye surgery

    Laser eye surgery
    Lasers are first used for eye surgery. Laser eye surgery helped many people who had bad eyesight and this improved their eyesight.
  • Heart transplant

    Heart transplant
    The first heart transplant is done by Christiaan Barnard. Heart transplants saved tons of people which is what made a huge impact to history.
  • Liver transplant

    Liver transplant
    The first Liver Transplant was done by Dr. Starzl, it was the first successful liver transplant.Liver transplants now are done in hundreds of hospitals.
  • Stem cells

    Stem cells
    Stems cells can develop into many different cells.Stem cells offer new potentials for treating diseases such as diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Face Plant Surgery

    Face Plant Surgery
    First face plant surgery was done.The surgery was historical since it was the first time someone ever got a face plant surgery.
  • Leg Transplant

    Leg Transplant
    The first ever leg transplant is done.This new transplant improved how we do leg transplant to this day.