
The History of Special Education

  • The Liverpool School for the Indigent Blind was founded in 1791

    The Liverpool School for the Indigent Blind was founded in 1791
    The Liverpool School for the Indigent Blind was founded in 1791 by Edward Rushton and continues to run today as the Royal School for the Blind. It was the first such school in Britian and the second to be founded in the world.
  • Rev. Thomas Gallaudet implemented the first school for the deaf in 1817.

    Rev. Thomas Gallaudet implemented the first school for the deaf in 1817.
    In the 19th century special education became more palpable, with efforts from people such as Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, and Samuel Howe in taking action on the matter of special education. In Hartford , Connecticut , Rev. Thomas Gallaudet implemented the first school for the deaf in 1817.
  • 1920 The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is formed

    1920 The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is formed
    The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is the oldest organization dedicated to the study and treatment of dyslexia to address the full scope of dyslexia and related reading and writing challenges. The IDA was born in the 1920s with direct roots to Dr. Samuel T. Orton’s pioneering studies in the field of reading research and multisensory teaching.
  • The Autism Society was founded in 1965 by Bernard Rimland, Ph.D

    The Autism Society was founded in 1965 by Bernard Rimland, Ph.D
    The Autism Society was founded in 1965 by Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. His book, Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior, was written in late 1964 and was one of the first of its kind. In 1968, Ruth Sullivan, Ph.D., became the organization’s first elected president. Over the last 40 years, the Society has grown from a handful of parents into the leading source of information, research, reference and support on the autism spectrum.
  • October 8, 1971: In the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ruling

    October 8, 1971: In the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ruling
    October 8, 1971: In the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ruling, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania sided in favor of students with intellectual and learning disabilities in state-run institutions. PARC v. Penn called for students with disabilities to be placed in publicly funded school settings that met their individual educational needs, based on a proper and thorough evaluation
  • December 17, 1971: In the Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    December 17, 1971: In the Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    December 17, 1971: In the Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia case, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia students classified as “exceptional” – including those with mental and learning disabilities and behavioral issues. This ruling made it unlawful for the D.C. Board of Education to deny these individuals access to publicly funded educational opportunities
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act was the first disability civil rights law to be enacted in the United States. It prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in programs that receive federal financial assistance and set the stage for enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Section 504 works together with the ADA and IDEA to protect children and adults with disabilities from exclusion, and unequal treatment in schools, jobs and the community
  • 1975,The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    1975,The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    In 1975, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) law was passed that recognized the need for special education services for those who were diagnosed with learning disabilities. Even though widespread rules and regulations for public schooling had been imposed in America since 1918, children with learning disabilities and the need for special education were wholeheartedly excluded from being able to take part in a free education.
  • 1986 Handicapped Children's Protection Act

    1986 Handicapped Children's Protection Act
    August 6, 1986: President Reagan signed the Handicapped Children’s Protection Act, a law that gave parents of children with disabilities more say in the development of their child’s Individual Education Plan, or IEP.The Handicapped Children’s Protection Act of 1986 which was an amendment to the Education of Handicapped Act. This act supported by providing services for children ages birth through five. The act extended the guarantee to FAPE to children with disabilities for age three to five.
  • 1990, IDEA was created

    1990, IDEA was created
    https://youtu.be/3XMndYNEGFA The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, was created in 1990 and is a modification of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This law ensures that special needs students receive appropriate free public education in the least restrictive environment necessary to meet those students’ needs. It helps students receive the extra assistance
  • June 4, 1997: The Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act

    June 4, 1997: The Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act
    June 4, 1997: The Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. President Clinton reauthorized IDEA with several key amendments that emphasized providing all students with access to the same curriculum, additionally, states were given the authority to expand the “developmental delay” definition from birth through five years of age to also include students between the ages of six and nine.
  • 2002-The No Child Left Behind law

    2002-The No Child Left Behind law
    https://education.laws.com/what-is-the-no-child-left-behind-act The NCLB law—the 2002 update of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act—effectively scaled up the federal role in holding schools accountable for student outcomes. NCLB was the product of a collaboration between civil rights and business groups, as well as both Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill and the Bush administration, which sought to advance American competitiveness and close the achievement gap between the poor