Mills vs Board of Education
[* The District of Columbia failed to provide adequate education to all students.
* The students were labelled as emotionally disturbed or hyperactive, and denied admission to the public schools with no alternative education.
* Since the children are entitled to attend free public schools, each child had a right to such an education.
* If there are not enough funds to provide the needed programming, the board had to appropriate the funds.
http://www.kidstogether.org/right-ed_files/mills.htm] -
Honig vs Doe
[* A California school expelled 2 students for violent behavior.
* The principal felt his decisions was correct due to violent behavior involving attacks.
* The District Court ruled the school could not take any disciplinary actions other than a 2-5 day suspension against any disabled student for disability-related misconduct.
* The State must provide services for any disabled student when local agency are unable to do so.
http://www.wrightslaw.com/law/caselaw/ussupct.honig.doe.htm] -
Cedar Rapids vs Garret F.
[* Parents of a student with urinary catheterization and other issues asked the school system pay a personal attendant.
* The school system denied doing this.
* The Supreme Court ruled that a school board must fund such related services to help guarantee that students are integrated into the public schools.
* Congress intended the IDEA to "educate handicapped children with nonhandicapped children whenever possible.”