The History of Special Education

By krrea
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    In this court case, it was ruled that segregated public schools were unequal and that Black students had the right to receive equal education. This inspired parents of children with disabilities to advocate for their children. They felt as though their children were discriminated against and segregated because they were not given the same educational opportunities.
  • McDonalds Founded

  • First Walmart Store Opened

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    The ESEA was enacted to make sure that underprivileged students had access to equal educational opportunities. Federal funding was also a part of this act. It was amended to include "handicapped" children, giving access to funding for their education as well.
  • The British Rock Band "Queen" Was Formed

  • Congressional Investigation

    After many cases brought to light that children with disabilities were being underserved, there was a congressional investigation. It was discovered that, among the 8 million children with disabilities, only 48% of them were getting an appropriate education.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)

    Also known as Public Law 94-142, this act made it so children with disabilities would get a free and appropriate education. A way that these school systems could be held accountable was also created.
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act

    This law, signed by President Reagan, gave parents of children with disabilities more influence in the making of their child's IEP. An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan that every student who receives special education services has.
  • NC Teaching Fellows Founded

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    The IDEA is a reauthorization of the EHA that further made sure students with disabilities were taught the same curriculum as non-disabled students. It included autism and traumatic brain injury as disabilities, as well as required IEPs to outline a plan to help students as they transition out of school.
  • My birthdate!

    I was born in 2001. History revolving around special education and the rights of students with disabilities is still being made. A year from now, this will affect me as a public school teacher.
  • Amendment to IDEA

    The IDEA was amended again in 2004. This made it so early intervention could be enacted, called for more accountability, and increased the standards for special educators.
  • Endrew F. Case

    This case surrounding a child with autism established a new standard for deciding how much educational benefit schools needed to provide students with disabilities. The court ruled 8-0 that education systems must provide a challenging education to all students, not just the minimum amount.