Plessy vs. Ferguson
Legitimated the doctrine of Separate, but Equal even though segregated education was not equal yet. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Provided Equal access to education, institutional structures as well as special education classrooms. Skiba, Russell J.; Simmons, Ada B.; Ritter, Shana; Gibb, Ashley C.; Rausch, M. Karega; Cuadrado, Jason; Choong-Geun Chung. (Spring 2008). Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges. Exceptional Children (Vol. 74 Issue 3, p264-288. 25p.) -
Passing of IDEA
The law passed was the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act No. 94-142. Skiba, Russell J.; Simmons, Ada B.; Ritter, Shana; Gibb, Ashley C.; Rausch, M. Karega; Cuadrado, Jason; Choong-Geun Chung. (Spring 2008). Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges. Exceptional Children (Vol. 74 Issue 3, p264-288. 25p.) -
Passing of the EAHCA
Emphasized the role of standardized testing and theeducational opportunity by racial isolation of minorities. Skiba, Russell J.; Simmons, Ada B.; Ritter, Shana; Gibb, Ashley C.; Rausch, M. Karega; Cuadrado, Jason; Choong-Geun Chung. (Spring 2008). Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges. Exceptional Children (Vol. 74 Issue 3, p264-288. 25p.) -
Heller Study for prevention of Special Education
This study suggested that it is the role of the teacher to engage in multiple educational interventions and to note the affects of these interventions on a child experiencing before referring the child for special education assessment. -
Hosp & Reschly Study
Study found that more African-american and Latino students were referred more often to special education than white students. Skiba, Russell J.; Simmons, Ada B.; Ritter, Shana; Gibb, Ashley C.; Rausch, M. Karega; Cuadrado, Jason; Choong-Geun Chung. (Spring 2008). Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges. Exceptional Children (Vol. 74 Issue 3, p264-288. 25p.) -
Reauthorization of IDEA
Forced states to monitor disproportionate representation by race or ethnicity in disability categories. Skiba, Russell J.; Simmons, Ada B.; Ritter, Shana; Gibb, Ashley C.; Rausch, M. Karega; Cuadrado, Jason; Choong-Geun Chung. (Spring 2008). Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges. Exceptional Children (Vol. 74 Issue 3, p264-288. 25p.) -
Klingner et al. Study
This study suggested the examination of federal, state, district, and school policies to create culturally responsive education systems. Skiba, Russell J.; Simmons, Ada B.; Ritter, Shana; Gibb, Ashley C.; Rausch, M. Karega; Cuadrado, Jason; Choong-Geun Chung. (Spring 2008). Achieving Equity in Special Education: History, Status, and Current Challenges. Exceptional Children (Vol. 74 Issue 3, p264-288. 25p.)