Sylvester Graham Lectures on Chastity
Sylvester Graham travels the East Coast warning audiences of self-pollution -
The National Education Association passes resolution
The resolution called for "moral" education in schools -
G. Stanley Hall Publishes "Adolescence"
The National Education Association calls for teacher training programs in sexuality education.
Chicago becomes first major city with sex education in high school
The American Hygiene Association is Founded
Congress Passes the Chamberlain-Kahn Act
This act allocated money to educate soldiers about syphilis and gonorrhea. -
Lucy S. Curtiss writes "Sex Instruction through English Literature"
The U.S. Public Health Service strongly advocates sexuality education in schools
Delegates to the Mid-Century White House Conference on Children and Youth emphasized the importance of family-life education.
They indicated that well- prepared teachers should avoid emphasis on sex facts and give proper attention to the total topic. They felt that sexuality education should be psychologically and humanistically oriented. -
The American School Health Association launches a nationwide program in family life education
The Joint Committee on Health Problems in Education of the National Education Association and the American Medical Association published five pamphlets
The series of pamphlets covered sexuality education from elementary school students to adults. -
HIV/AIDS increases awareness for sexuality education
U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop issues a report calling for comprehensive AIDS and sexuality education in public schools
Welfare Reform Act
The federal government gives money to abstinence education programs for the first time. -
19 states and The District of Columbia require schools to teach sexuality education