The History of Second Language

  • U.S. Government signs treaty with Cheroke Tribes

    U.S. Government signs treaty with Cheroke Tribes
    In 1828, The U.S Government signs a treaty with Cherokee tribes. The U.S Government recognizes the language rights of the Cherokee tribes.

    The state of Ohio is now bilingual operating under German and English; therefore students are going to have to learn a new language.
  • 1888 The First Anti bilingual Education Legislation is passed

    1888 The First Anti bilingual Education Legislation is passed
    The anti bilingual legislation that passed attempts being to legislate against German and in favor of English language rather than the German language that was the native language and there was an attempt to teach English only schooling.
  • English Requirement for Naturalization Citizenship

    English Requirement for Naturalization Citizenship
    1906 marked the first English language requirement for citizenship within the States.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights Act prohibited the denial of equal access to education on basis of race,color, or nantional origin.
  • The Bilingual Education Act, Title VII

    The Bilingual Education Act, Title VII
    The act of 1968 established federal policy for bilingual education for economically disadvantaged language minorities.
  • Lau v. Nichols of 1973

    Lau v. Nichols of 1973
    A set of Chinese students sued San Francisco Unified School District officials due to not being given equals rights as it relates to the denial of language development for the students.
  • The Lau Remedies of 1975

    The Lau Remedies of 1975
    On May 25, 1975 there was a mandate that school districts with more than 5 percent of minority students from another origin, there must be special language instruction with limited English command
  • Rios v. Read

    Rios v. Read
    The federal courts ruled that a bilingual program must include cultural components for the students.
  • The No Child Left Behind Act

    The No Child Left Behind Act
    Federal funding became available for students that were / are considered English learners.