The History of Science and Math Education

  • 1950's-1960's:

    Saw first federal foray into science teacher education and curriculum reform under NSF (National Science Foundation)
  • 1964

    NSF sponsored 20 large-scale K-12 science curriculum development projects.
  • 1970's:

    Challenges were raised to NSF that a national curriculum was being advanced.
  • 1977:

    60% of U.S. schools reported the use of NSF sponsored curricula.
  • 1980's:

    • Policy makers examined the achievement rates of students in K-12. Declared the nation "at risk" of economic catastrophe.
    • Policy makers call on excellence, while ratcheting up course content and high school graduation requirements.
  • 1990's:

    Reformers rolled out strategies to reach national goals for excellence in education.
  • 2001:

    NCLB Act: Legislation requires schools to report test scores across demographic groups to work toward incremental improvement for all students.
  • 2007:

    Science testing carried out nationwide!
  • Children learn from:

    Books, Television, Internet, Museums, Parks, Classrooms, Scientific and Technological World
  • 1920

    John Dewey:Proponent of Progressive Educaction