Retro space rocket sticker p217242032955012678z85xz 400

The History of Rocketry by 4Le

By CCSlab
  • Feb 6, 1045

    gunpowder strtagey

    gunpowder strtagey
  • Period: Mar 4, 1045 to

    The History of Rocketry

  • Mar 7, 1045

    Chinese military

    certainly by the year 1045 A.D.--21 years before William the Conqueror would land on the shores of England--the use of gunpowder and rockets formed an integral aspect of chinese military tactis
  • Jun 7, 1232

    the battle of Kai-fang-fu

    Rocket fire arrows were used to pull apart in the battle.
    by JeLiia Pierce
  • Dec 25, 1241

    In Eurpe

    By around 1241 A.D. rokets landed in Eurpe it was decribed as a like roket - like wepon used by mogols
  • Jan 1, 1429


    The French had the most men untill the Europe army adopted the rocket and wiped out the French army.-Seth Tigar
  • Apr 10, 1429

    the rockits

    The French had the logist amry in England . evan
  • May 10, 1429


    The French Army has been the largest,if not the largest,army it was quick to adopt rockets to operations.Records through the hundred years War aginst the English
  • powerful rockets sarah

    the rockets are very big and very powerful. explosones also happen alot of times. When the rocket was lit, it makes a very loud noise that can be hearn more than 100 miles. These rockets may have incluted the first conbustion chamber, for sourses discribe the disighn incorporating an ``iron pot`` to contain and derect the thrust of the gunpower propellent.
  • during the battl of bladensburg

    the brittish used rokits to fight aginst us jacob jumper
  • augest 24th in 1814

    during the battle of bladensburg august 24 1814 the british 85th light infantry used rockets agenst an amarican rifle battalion command by U.S, attorny genengal willam pickney british lieutenant gorige R. gleig witnessed the amaracans response to the new treat never did men with arms in their hands make better use of there legs he wrote kiera dmeoss
  • rocket battery

    The rocket battery was used.
  • To accompany

    A brigade of rocketeers was sent to accompany called maj Bailey
  • The Rocket Battery

    The battery of the rocket was used March 24 1847 against the mexican forces siege of Veracruz By Stephanie
  • civil war

    the first record of rockets was in the civil war july 3 1862 macie lane
  • America gets a idea

    America had an idea of biding a rocet
  • germany create the v2 rocket

    Germany made the v2 rocket.It was one of the only rockets to be powered by alchol. austin richards
  • NASA

    Two years after NASA was established von Braun,his team,and the entire Army Ballistic Missile Agency was transferred to NASA and became the nucleus of the agecy's space program.BY HALEY
  • First American Space Station

    The Marshall team made America's first space station in 1973.It was called Skylab.The station was built to replace the saturn v rockets upper stage platform
  • Skylab

    The first space station(Skylab) was developed by the team at Marshell.The Skylab was built to replace the upper stage of a Saturn V moon rocket. Early on May 14,1973 the Skylab module was placed in orbit.
    Dixie Walker 4le
  • The war

    The war
    Rockets came in to war in 1818 Tristin Morgan
  • by miranda blevins

    by miranda blevins
  • French and British rocket war

  • The arleiest rockit fule was gun poter

    the first rockits fule was gun pouder and it faled and blue up. by Noah Hamiltom