Psychology 544405 640

The History of Psychology

  • 322


    322 B.C.
    He outlined the laws of asscoationism. He belevied tha experinces often remind us of similar experinces from the past.His approach was scientfic. He wrote the book "Peri Psyches." In the book, he talked about how human behavior is subjected to laws and rules.
  • 347


    347 B.C.
    He coined the phrase "Know thyself" which is the phrase that shaped psychology. He said we can learn much about ourselves by carefully examing our thoughts and feelings. This is called introspection. One of his students was Aristole.
  • 377


    377 B.C.
    He was a Greek psyhican. He suggeuested that problems are cause by abnormalities in the brain. He also suggested that these brain abnormailites effceted our thoughts, feeling and behavior. He was right 2,000 years ahead of his time.
  • Aug 24, 1500

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    During the Middle Ages, if you had a psychological problems it was because you were cursed or possesed. You had to take test, that would result in death either way.
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    The school of thought he founded was called pschpanalysis emphasizs the importance of unconscioys motives and interbal conflicts in determing human behavior. Freud's theory is also calle psychodynamic thinking, assumed that most of what exist in an induviuals mind is unvoscious and consist of conflicting impluses, urges, and wishes.
  • The Birth of Modern Psychology

    The Birth of Modern Psychology
    The Birth of modern psychology came to be in the late 1800s. Most historians point to the year 1879 the beginning as a modern labtory science. Before this point in time many people thought mental illness was a curse from God or that you were possessed.
  • Birth of Functionalism

    Birth of Functionalism
    He focused on the relationship between experience and behavior and described his views in The Principles of Psychology. Many consider this book published in 1890, to be the first modern psychology book. James was one of the founders of functionlism.
  • The Geslat School

    The Geslat School
    German psychologist Max Wherrtheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kholer opended up the school of the Geslat Psychology. This is were the idea of "what does this look like to you" came from.
  • John B. Watson

    John B. Watson
    Hw was founder of the school of behaviorism. This is were we get the concept of a rat in a maze trying to find cheese.
  • B.F. Skinner

    B.F. Skinner
    He showed that when reinforced or rewarded for preforming an action, it is more liekly to happen again. He also said that peoplelearn the same way animals do.