1st Plastic- Date unknown
The First plastic was created by Leo Baekeland. He combined formaldehyde and phenol. He named it Bakelite. Bakelite was a resistant to water and solvent. It was used in 78 rpm recorder and telephones. Date Unknown. I found this picture on this site href='http://http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEvz9Ydg1dSdzQ3qsLLptal6iDDREQPy2X1f5CoBZGOz9WLRsu:www.chemheritage.org/Discover/Online-Resources/Chemistry-in-History/Themes/Petrochemistry-and-Synthetic-Polymers/Synthetic-Polymers/asset_upload -
Neoprene - Date unknown
Neoprene was a new type of plastic found in 1932, the exact date is not known. Neoprene today is used for rubber sheets.
This is a neoprene case.
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Polythene -Date unknown
Polythene is a new type of plastic founded in 1933.. Polythene is used in plastic bags like the ones you would find at a grocery store. The picture is of a polythene bag. I found it on this site! -
Perspex - Date unknown
Perspex was founded in 1934. It is a harder plastic and can be died many colors as you can see in the picture. I found this picture on http://www.gcip.co.uk/images/flourescent_perspex_sheet.gif -
Nylon - Date unknown
Nylon is a common plastic that was first used in toothbrush bristles and nylon stockings. In WW2, it was used in wheels for vehicles and parachutes. Nylon can also be used as a fabric as seen in the picture. I found this picture at http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR386G6cA873zqRSN8oDBCzPbaRlCafMyWyqm7ibDtZJOF3ZD9R:www.ropeinc.com/catalog/nylon-doublebraid.jpg -
Plastic Bottles - Date unknown
The first water bottles were commercially sold and used in 1947. They were light weight and conveinent so they tended to be expensive. Now a days, we use a lot of plastic bottles. I found the picture at http://greenbuzzz.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/plastic_bottles-www.mohawkflooring.com_.jpg -
Plastic Bags - Date unknown
Plastic bags were first introduced in 1977. The plastic bags were made from Polythene. You can now usually find such bags at grocery stores. I found the picture at http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSFH53G0uHHR-KQwx3XZ7MOuhrddPysbfMPcOfDyX1sFtcva-M:www.plasticstoday.com/sites/default/files/Plastic_bag.jpg