The history of music

  • Period: to

    Ferdinand VI

    Ferdinand VI of Spain, called "the Prudent" or "the Just", was King of Spain from 1746 until his death. He was the third son of Felipe V and his first wife María Luisa Gabriela de Saboya.
    He was born on September 23, 1713 and died on August 10, 1759
  • the beginning of the Classical period

    The Classical period of european music lasted from 1730 to 1820, between the early
    Modern period and the late Modern Period.
  • Period: to

    José Álvarez Cubero

    José Álvarez Cubero was a Spanish sculptor of the neoclassical style, who made a large part of his career in Paris and Rome.
    Nació en 1768 y murió 1827.
  • Period: to

    Ludwig van Beethoven

    Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer, conductor, pianist, and piano teacher. His musical legacy spans, chronologically, from Classicism to the beginnings of Romanticism.
  • Marat's death

    The death of Marat is a work of neoclassical style, the work of Jacques-Louis David and one of the most famous images of the French Revolution.
  • Napoleón Bonaparte

    December 2, 1804, in Notre Dame Cathedral, he was named Emperor. Shortly after the Napoleonic wars began.
  • Misa en do mayor

    Ludwig van Beethoven's Mass in C major, Opus 86, was commissioned by Prince Nikolaus Esterházy II in 1807
  • Period: to

    José Gragera

    José Gragera y Herboso was a Spanish romantic sculptor
  • The end of the Classical period

    The Classical period of european music lasted from 1730 to 1820, between the early
    Modern period and the late Modern Period.
  • The beginning of Romantic period

    The musical Romantic period is usually defined as lasting from 1820 to 1910.
  • Period: to

    Ominous decade

    Ominous Decade or second restoration of absolutism is called the period of contemporary history of Spain that corresponds to the last phase of the reign of Fernando VII, after the Liberal Triennium, in which the Constitution of Cádiz promulgated in 1812 governed.
  • First Carlist War

    It was a Spanish civil war between the Carlists (followers of Carlos María Isidro de Borbón, of the absolutist regime) against the Cristinos (followers of Isabel II, of a moderate absolutist government that ended up being liberal).
    It was a very bloody conflict, generating a high cost in human lives, inclination of the Spanish Monarchy towards liberalism, reinforcement of the role of the military in Spanish politics, enormous expenses generated by the First Carlist War.First Carlist War
  • Period: to

    Johannes Brahms

    Johannes Brahms was a German romantic composer, pianist and conductor, considered the most classic of the composers of that period. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, he spent much of his professional life in Vienna.
  • Period: to

    Achille Claude Debussy​

    Achille Claude Debussy was a French composer, one of the most prominent of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Some authors consider him the first Impressionist composer, although he categorically rejected the term.
  • Danzas húngaras

    Danzas húngaras
    The Hungarian Dances by Johannes Brahms, is a group of twenty-one lively dances, mostly based on Hungarian themes, composed in 1869.
  • Ugolino and his children

    Ugolino and his children
    Ugolino and His Children is a marble sculpture of Ugolino made by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux in Paris during the 1860s. It depicts the story of Ugolino from Dante's Inferno in which the 13th-century count is imprisoned and starving with his sons.
  • Period: to

    Pablo Ruiz Picasso

    Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a Spanish painter and sculptor, creator, along with Georges Braque, of Cubism.
  • The end of the Romantic period

    The musical Romantic period is usually defined as lasting from 1820 to 1910.
  • The beginning of the 20th century

    Dramatic social, scientific and technological advances took place in the 20th century. Liberal democracies were established in Europe: there were important civil rights movements, and people started to participate in politics actively. The development of mass communication media changed access to information and the concept of leisure, which started the process of globalisation.
  • Beginning of Surrealism

    Surrealism tries to capture the world of dreams and subconscious phenomena. This hidden sector of the human being is considered suitable for artistic analysis. Breton tries to discover the depths of the spirit. Surrealism not only affected the world of painting, but also cinema, photography, theater, poetry... . The result is an apparently absurd, alogical world, in which the phenomena of the subconscious escape the domain of reason.
  • Primo de Rivera resigns.

    Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja was a Spanish dictator and soldier who ruled the country between 1923 and 1930, after leading, on September 13, 1923, a coup that had the approval of the monarch himself, Alfonso XIII.
  • Period: to

    The guerra civil española or guerra de España

    The La guerra civil española o guerra de España, that later would also have repercussions in an economic crisis, which was unleashed in Spain after the partial failure of the coup d'état of July 17 and 18, 1936 perpetrated by a part of the armed forces against the Government of the Second Republic.
  • Etude aux chemins de fer

    It is the first of the studies created by Pierre Schaeffer and perhaps the most famous of them. Schaeffer took his recording equipment to the local railway station, where he recorded the sound of passing trains. He then took the recordings to the studio and used different techniques to process them, using pitch shifting, time stretching and compression, looping and editing to turn his recordings into an exploration of the sounds he had captured.
  • End of the 20th century