The History of Money

  • Jan 1, 1100


    Cattle was used as one of the earliest forms of currency
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Cowrie shells

    Cowrie shells
    China was using cowry shells as currency
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Metal currency

    Metal currency
    In 1000 B.C.bronze and Copper cowrie imitations were manufactured by China at the end of the Stone Age and could be considered some of the earliest forms of metal coins
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Modern Coinage

    Modern Coinage
    Outside of China, the first coins developed out of lumps of silve
  • Jan 1, 1411

    Leather money

    Leather money
    118 B.C. Leather money was used in China in the form of one-foot-square pieces of white deerskin with colorful borders. This could be considered the first documented type of banknote.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    The nose

    The nose
    A.D. 800-900 The phrase "To pay through the nose" comes from Danes in Ireland, who slit the noses of those who were remiss in paying the Danish poll tax.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    806 The first known paper banknotes appeared in China. In all, China experienced over 500 years of early paper money, spanning from the ninth through the fifteenth century.
  • Potlach

    1500 "Potlach" comes from a Chinook Indian custom that existed in many North American Indian cultures. It is a ceremony where not only were gifts exchanged, but dances, feasts, and other public rituals were performed
  • Gov. Money

    Gov. Money
    Abraham Lincoln passed the Legal Tender Act allowing the Government to issue paper money
  • The first A.T.M.

    The first A.T.M.
    This is when the first A.T.M. was make to give people money from their bank acount
  • Money maked over time

    Money maked over time
  • The future of money

    The future of money
    The future of money will become all electronic their will be no more coins or paper money.