The history of Miguel porras

  • Period: 2019 BCE to 2023 BCE

    Life in high school

    Each year as Been difficult, new subjecs, new teachers, new classmates, but I hace always has the hel of My grandmother and My father, My grandfather who works hard for me, My father who is always bye My site, and My grandmother who he gives me is love, and My sister has always been My partner in life, aventure and more, and although sometimes we fight, we always count on each other.
  • 2018 BCE

    Graduating from primary school

    I went from being a child who could barely stand yo graduating from primary school, well that's how My parents saw it. When I passed the 5th year of primary school, I wold begin My stage i'm high school, I wold no longer be a child, I I wold be a young man with goals and dreams , dreams that I has since I was a child, everything was very Nice at My graduation ceremony. Friends and teacher allá happy.
  • 2011 BCE

    My first day of school

    My first day school was increíble, it Made me very nervios but I felt happy, I tried to learn a lot from My teacher and make good friends
  • 2008 BCE

    My sister's birth

    The birth of My sister marked a before and after, since when she was bien I was in the hospital fighting for My life, due ti pneumonia that kept me hospitalizado for 8 days and when I came out the first thing I saw was My sister, it was a traumatic moment according to what they Say, although I don't really remember much, but I do know that I has a life partner.
  • 2007 BCE

    Starting to walk

    I can't remember My first steps, but My parents Say that I Huy myself a lot until I was able to do it right
  • 2006 BCE

    My first words

    My father always tells me how I learned to speak, he tells me that I could only babble a first until I managed ti say water, yes, as You read it. And the funny thing is that it was My father who taught me to say it.
  • Period: 2006 BCE to 2008 BCE

    Grow yo happy

    I hay a normal Childhood, wey we're nota rich but we never lacked anything, I has a lot of toys and a lot of clothes, My dado has always worked for me
  • 2005 BCE

    My birth

    Ir was a very special date for my parents, they were waiting for me with great longing and joy