The History of Physicians Timeline

  • 130


    Roman Physician of Greek origin to the Gladiators. Throughout his life dissected animals in his journey to comprehend how the body functions.
  • 260

    Gargilius Martialis

    Gargilius Martialis
    Latin weiter on horticulture. Treated cultivation of tress and vegetables.
  • 369

    Basil of Caesarea

    Basil of Caesarea
    Sometimes called father if communal monasteism. He was compassionate man who gave much of his time and resources to caring for the poor. He bulit poorbhome and hospital.
  • 420

    Caelius Aurelianus

    Caelius Aurelianus
    Greco Roman Physician. He contributed the clearest and mostbaccurate diagnosis found among ancient writers from dietetic, mechanical and hygenic measures.
  • 460


    Greek Physician considered as one of the greatesr figures in the history of medicine/ known as father of western medicine.
  • 1135


    Was a Rabbi. He had religious medical writing precede his medical work both philosphically and chronologically.
  • 1270

    Mondino de luzzi

    Mondino de luzzi
    Anatomist whose "Anathomi Mundini" was the first European book written. Based on dissection of human cadavers.
  • 1300

    Guy de Chuliac

    Guy de Chuliac
    Most eminemt surgeon of the European middle ages. Hr explained a narcotic inhalation used as a soporific for surgical patients.
  • 1360

    Doroteq Bucca

    Doroteq Bucca
    Represented confidence and dignity. Got more women more freedom and to study in medicine.
  • 1494

    Georgius Agricola

    Georgius Agricola
    First to found a natural science upon observation. Introduced the practice of quarantee into Germany.
  • 1514

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Revolutionized the study of biology and practice of medicine by his description of anatomy and human body. Basin observations on dissections.
  • 1516

    Conrad Gesner

    Conrad Gesner
    Swiss Physician. Naturalist known for systematic compilations of info on animals and plants.
  • 1580

    Jan Baptista Vam Helmont

    Jan Baptista Vam Helmont
    Recognized the existence of discrete gases. Belgium Physician who also identified carbon dioxide.
  • William Withering

    William Withering
    English Physician. Medical uses of foxglove proved crucial to modern understanding of heart failure.
  • Astely Cooper

    Astely Cooper
    Was the first to tie the abdominal aprta as a means of treating an aneurysm.
  • Benjamin Rush

    Benjamin Rush
    Published medical works of significance notably his surgical textbook "A system of surgery" Firsy to suggest that suphilis and gonorrhea were different diseases.
  • Charles Caldman

    Charles Caldman
    Noted for discovering the difference between sensory nerves and motor nerves in spinal cord.
  • James Murion

    James Murion
    Father of modern gynecology, significant work to develop surgicalbtenique fo the repair of vesicovaginal fistula
  • Joesph Lister

    Joesph Lister
    Was among the first to show the link between ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. Had big influence on gastroenterology and oncology.
  • Theodor

    Austrian surgeon. Father of modern abdominal surgery.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell

    Elizabeth Blackwell
    British Physician. First woman to graduate from medical school. Social and moral reformer in both united states and United Kingdom.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    American neurologeon. First person to describe Cushing's disease. Father of neurosurgery.
  • Frederick Banting

    Frederick Banting
    Canadian medical scientist, and physician. Co-discoverer of insulin and it's therapeutic potential.
  • Rene

    Argentine cardiac surgeon. Best known for pioneering work on coronary artery bypass surgery.
  • HeLa Cells

    HeLa Cells
    First human cells grown in a lab that were naturally "immortal." Known to overtake other cell cultures in lab settings and estimated one day it will cost millions worth of biological research.
  • Joseph Kirsner

    Joseph Kirsner
    One of the most important and influential leaders, within gastroenterology.