
The History Of Medicine

By lei_key
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    • Roman physician of Greek origin: physician to the gladiators. -doctrine of 4 bodily humors: blood, phlegm, yellow & black bile. -anatomy demonstrations with dissection. -documented importance of spinal cord for movements of limbs. -performed tracheotomy to cure breathing difficulties.
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    Diocles of Carystus

    Diocles of Carystus
    -among Greek physicians second only to Hippocrates in ability and reputation.
    -was the first to write medical treaties in attic Greek.
    -wrote the first systematic textbook on animal anatomy.
    -first to use the word "anatomy" to describe the study.
    -wrote several medical books.
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    -The ancient Greek physician considered the father of medicine.
    -born on the island of Cos
    -collected data and conducted experiments to show disease was a natural process; that signs and symptoms of a disease were caused by the natural reactions of the body to the disease process.
    -strict code to maintain patient privacy and to never deliberately harm patient.
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    Hippocratic oath

    Hippocratic oath
    -our modern code of ethics rooted in ancient Greece.
    -current version written in 1964 by louis lasagna.
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    Alcmaeon of Croton

    Alcmaeon of Croton
    -philosopher of medicine
    -first to identify the brain as the seat of understanding and to distinguish understanding from perception
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    barber surgeons

    barber surgeons
    -not only practiced hair-cutting/shaving but also attended wounds and performed surgical operations.
    -practiced "blood letting", cupping, pulling teeth, enemas.
    -served in the military where they treated battle wounds, amputated limbs and cauterized/burned the stump to seal the vessels.
    -the red and white barber pole are associated with the service of blood letting and a representation of bloody bandages wrapped around a pole to dry
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    -built upon the ideas of Hippocrates.
    -documented differences between smallpox and the measles.
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    The Cannon Of Medicine

    The Cannon Of Medicine
    -compiled by Persian Philosopher Avicenna.
    -5 volumes of Greek and Arabic medicine.
    -dominant teachings of medicine (until the 17th and 18th century).
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    -Norman king Roger II decrees a license is required to practice medicine
    -physicians were licensed after training.
    -no women was allowed to practice.
  • 1452


    -first professional association of midwives founded in Germany.
    -midwives have assisted women in giving birth forever.
  • 1493


    -German-Swiss physician and alchemist.
    -established the role of chemistry in medicine.
    -identified certain diseases as being caused by toxic elements ingested or inhaled into the patients body.
  • 1510

    Ambroise Pare

    Ambroise Pare
    -innovative french surgeon.
    -served as a surgeon for numbers of kings.
    -been apprenticed to a barber.
    -joined army and spent 30 years as a military surgeon.
  • 1514

    Andreas Vasalius

    Andreas Vasalius
    -renaissance physician.
    -revolutionized the study of biology and practice of medicine.
    -wrote and illustrated the first comprehensive textbook of anatomy.
    -his work represented the culmination of the humanistic revival of ancient learning, introduction of human dissections into medical curricula and growth of a European anatomical literature
  • 1543

    De humani Corporis Fabrica

    De humani Corporis Fabrica
    -by Flemis anatomist Andreas Vesalius.
    -1st accurate work on anatomy.
  • 1578

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    -English physician.
    -first to recognize the full circulation of the blood in the human body and provided experiments and arguments to support it.
  • John hunter

    John hunter
    -founder of pathology anatomy in England.
    -early advocate of investigation and experimentation.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    -English physician and scientist.
    -discovered d a vaccine for smallpox.
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    -British nurse, statistician, and social reformer.
    -charge of nursing British and allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean war.
    -first women awarded the Order of Merit.
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    -insisted on clean instruments and hands between patients (using carbolic acid;known as aseptic technique.
  • Anesthetic

    -invented in 1839 by Alfred Velpeau.
    -were not used till 1842 by doctor Crawford Williamson.
    -causes relief and/or preventation of pain mostly through surgical performances.
  • Robert Koch

    Robert  Koch
    -German physician and pioneering microbiologist.
    -discovered that microorganisms (pathogens) are the source of some disease.
    -founder of modern bacteriology.
  • X-rays

    -discovered by Wilhelm Conrad.
    -discovered when experimenting with cathode radiation.
    -helps get a view inside the human body.
    -used to study fractured bones or spot issues.
  • Radium

    -discovered by Marie Sklodowska-Curie.
    -chemical element.
    -if ingested it will deposit in the bones and do damage to body tissue.
  • Insulin

    -discovered in Toronto, Canada by Federick Grant Bantings and Charles best.
    -lowers the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • Antibiotics

    -First antibiotic was penicillin.
    -discovered by Alexander Fleming.
    -medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganism.
  • Organ Transplant

    Organ Transplant
    -re-movement of an organ from one body to another.
    -first successful kidney transplant led by Dr. Joseph murray.
    -done between identical twins.
  • Birth control pills

    Birth control pills
    -invented by Gregory Goodwin Pincus.
    -used in the 1960's.
    -inhibit female fertility.
    -taken by mouth everyday.
  • Stem cells

    Stem cells
    -scientist discovered ways to derive embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos.
    -1998:method to derive stem cells from embryos and grow them in a laboratory.
  • Human genome Project

    Human genome Project
    -international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of nucleotide base pairs that make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome.
    -ended in 2006
  • Face Transplants

    Face Transplants
    -medical procedure to replace all or part of a person's face using tissue from a cadaver.
    -Worlds first partial face transplant was carried out in France on 2005.
    -First full face transplant as in 2010 in Spain.