Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Pharmacies in Baghdad
Discovered the difference between small pox and measles -
Islamic hospitals for the sick
Glasses are made
Jul 30, 1340
Black Plague
French woman Jacoba Felicie trys to practice medicine but is denied
Period: Jan 1, 1501 to
Niccolo Leaniceno found 400 errors in Pliny's Natural History
Pliny's Natural History was the main medical teachings book -
The use of the scientific method begins
Robert Hooke - Reflective Microscope
Antonie von Leewenhoek describes bacteria
Francis Bacon
used microscope to discover plague fleas -
Edward Jenner discovered first vaccination
Period: to
Industrial Revoultion
Chicken pox vaccination
Louis Pasteur cures Cholera, Anthrax and Rabies
1st stethoscope was invented by Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
Joseph Lister medical practice of asepsis
Robert Koch - discovery of pathogens
Karl Landsteiner creates blood typing system
Period: to
Modern World
Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins discovers vitamins
1st successful blood transfusion
Dr. Paul Dudley White Americas first Cardiologist
Insulin is first used to treat diabetes
Targeted cancer therapies a cure for some cancers
Period: to
21 Century
scientists completed a draft of the human Genome
greater understanding of stem cells
HIV cocktail cure
Hugh Herr co-creator of the new prosthetic leg