William Harvey described the circulation of blood to and from the heart
Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mercury thermometer
Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for smallpox
Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope
Gregory Mendel established the patterns of heredity
Dr. Horace Wells, American dentist, uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic
Louis Pasteur began pasteurizing milk to kill bacteria
Florence Nightengale became the founder of modern nursing
Joseph Lister began using disinfectants and antiseptics during surgery
First vaccination for cholera
Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross
Robert Koch developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens
William Roentgen discovered X-rays
first vaccination for plague
Marie Curie isolated radium
Egyptians were the earliest people known to maintain an accurate health record
Insulin first used to treat diabetes
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine
Dr. Joseph E. Murray performs the first kidney transplant between identical twins
South African heart surgean Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first human heart transplant
First vaccination for rubella
First test-tube baby is born
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS is identified