Sep 5, 1249
Number 1- Roger Bacon invented the first pair of spectacles.
Period: Sep 5, 1249 to
History of Medicine
Number 2- William Harvey publishes his novel, An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of theBlood in Animals. This is a basic description of the blood vessels, arteries and the heart.
Number 3- Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells.
Number 4- James Blundell performs the first successful transfusion of human blood.
Number 5- The first contact lenses were developed.
Number 6-Emil von Behring discovered antioxins and developed tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.
Number 7- Felix Hoffman develops aspirin.
Number 8-Karl Landsteiner introduced the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O groups.
Number 9- Insulin was first used to treat diabetes.
Number 10- Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.
Number 11- Dr. Joseph E. Murray performed the first kidney transplant.
Number 12-Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant.
Number 13- Robert S. Ledley invents CAT-Scans.
Number 14-The first test-tube baby is born in the United Kingdom.
Number 15-Dr. William DeVries implanted the Jarvik-7 artificial heart into patient Barney Clark. He lives 112 days.
Number 16-HIV,Human immunodeficiency Virus, is found to be the virus that causes AIDS.
Number 17- Dolly the sheep was the first clone.
Number 18-Scientists in the International Human Genome Project released a rough draft of the human genome.For the first time the world could see the complete set of human genetic information andunderstand what our roughly 23,000 genes do.
Number 19-In France, the world's first face transplant was done to restore a woman's face after she wasattacked by her dog. This was a major breakthrough in surgical techniques because this procedureis very complex.
Number 20-Scientists discovered how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells.