
The History of Letters

  • 500

    Invention of letters

    Invention of letters
    The first handwritten letter was by Persian Queen Atossa around 500 BC.
  • 550


    Many were created on the bark of aspen trees, which was ideal because it could be scratched even with just a fingernail.
  • Mar 15, 600

    Goose quill pens

    Goose quill pens
    In the fifth century, people used goose quill pens.
  • Transportations

    Handwritten letters were delivered by courier, couch, or horseman. The person who received the letter had to pay for the letter, by how many pages, and how much it had traveled.
  • Letter to Abraham Lincoln

    Letter to Abraham Lincoln
    An 11-year-old girl living in the state of New York wrote to Lincoln to tell him she hoped he would be the next president.
  • Present

    People write letters on paper with a pencil or pen. Then put a stamp and a name on the back of a envelope.
  • Invention of cotton paper

    Invention of cotton paper
    About the 10th century came cotton paper which was in common use by the 12th century.
  • The reed pen

    The reed pen
    The pen used in ancient times was made from wood, metal, or bone shaped to a point.