The History of JET Program

  • JET Program Launched

    From four countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand), 848 people visited Japan as the first participants of the JET Programme: 35 as Coordinators for International Relations (CIR) to work in local public entities and 813 as Assistant Language Teachers (ALT) to teach at public junior and senior high schools. They attended Post-Arrival Orientation and Mid-Year Seminars
  • JET Alumni Association (JETAA) Founded

    1,987 participants from eight countries, newly including Germany and France (German and French included in the targeted languages); the JET Alumni Association (JETAA) was founded for former JET participants. (Initially 37 chapters → 2013: 52 chapters); started seminars for participants who choose to recontract for the following year.
  • The Counselling System Committee (CSC) Established

    3,325 participants from nine countries newly including China, and the number of participants exceeded the initial target of 3,000 people; established the Counselling System Committee (CSC), comprised of three (four at present) professional counselors; dispatched Prefectural Advisers (PA) to organisations to give advice on the establishment and management of a counselling system for the JET Programme.