D 4 colonists landing at jamestown for web

The History of Jamestown Settlers and the Natives that lived there

  • Virgina Company of London travel from England

    Virgina Company of London travel from England
    A group from England traveled to North America and Jamestown to find riches for King James in England.
  • John Smith meets Pochontas in Jamestown

    John Smith meets Pochontas in Jamestown
    John Smith meets Pocahontas and meets other native tribes, She showed them the land and its reseources. John Smith was kidnapped by Pocahontas' father and she saved him,
  • Many early settlers die during winter

    Many early settlers die during winter
    After a hard winter, many settlers died. Only about 50 settlers were left. There were many more that were there before.
  • First Government in North America

    First Government in North America
    The House of Burgesses was a government in Jamestown. This was the first form of government in North America.
  • First African slaves came to Jamestown

    First African slaves came to Jamestown
    The first African slaves came to Jamestown to begin to be servants.
  • Many settlers starve

    Many settlers starve
    This is the seond time that many settlers are starving because of the harsh conditions.
  • Native tribes raid and kill settlers

    Native tribes raid and kill settlers
    A native tribe called the Pumunkey Indians kill about 300 people and attack Jamestown. The Natives lost this fight because many of them died.