
13 Colonies

By pig44
  • Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh

    Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh
    In 1585 Queen Elizabeth let Raleigh send 100 of his men to Roanoke Island. When Raleigh and his men got there they thought that it would be a good place to build their settlement but later they saw that the people in that area were not happy that they were staying so they killed Raleigh's chief.
  • Period: to

    13 colonies

    This timeline is about how the 13 colonies were founded
  • John White lands in Chesapeake Bay

    John White lands in Chesapeake Bay
    In 1587 John White was put in charge and led over 100 people to a place near Chesapeake Bay. When they arrived they found that many of their people were killed by some of chief Powhatan's people. As soon as they saw that, they decided to settle there instead of Chesapeake Bay.
  • John White lands on the banks of the James river

    John White lands on the banks of the James river
    In 1607 John White and a group of over 100 men landed on the banks of the James River. As soon as they arrived they were attacked by some of chief Powhatan's people. John smith later made them build a fort for shelter but then a harsh winter hit their settlement and only 60 people survived.
  • Captain Smith returned to England

    Captain Smith returned to England
    In 1609 Captain Smith returned to England again after he became ill and stopped coming to the settlement. Later the relationship between the settlers and the Powhatans weakened. Four years after this happened Pocahontas heard that Capt.Smith died.
  • John Smith explores the new england coast

    In the year of 1613 John Smith explored the new england coast and mapped it but did not succeed in establishing any colonies.
  • Jamestown's good year

    Jamestown's good year
    1619 was great for Jamestown they had their first elected assembly wich was called the house of Burgesses. Later indentured servants came by boat to Jamestown to work for their voyage to the new world.Along with the indentured servants they had slaves.
  • Bad weather on the Mayflower

    Bad weather on the Mayflower
    During 1620 there was some harsh bad weather while Oceanus Hopkins his parents and many other pilgrims and puritans traveled on the Mayflower heading towards the New World,for freedom of religion.During the trip wich was 2 months long they had to eat salted beef,dried biscuits,and dried vegetables.
  • First big feast in Massachusetts Bay

    First big feast in Massachusetts Bay
    1621 was a great year for the people in Massachusetts Bay because they had their first sucessful harvest so big they even had a feast. Governor William Bradford then decided to have their first Thanksgiving wich they shared with 90 wampanogs and lasted 3 days.
  • Massachussetts Bay was born

    Massachussetts Bay was born
    In the year of 1630 many pilgrims but mostly puritans were coming over near the banks of plymouth.When they landed they strted to make towns all along the north part of Plmouth.The puritans got a big piece of land and established Massachusetts Bay
  • William Penn gets land from king Charles II

    William Penn gets land from king Charles II
    In 1681 King Charles II gives William Penn some land in the new world because he owed Penn's dead father a loan.This land was southwest of New Jersey and was called Pennsylvania. This colonie had freedom of religion,elections,freedom from unjust imprisonment, and free and fair trial by jury.many people soon moved to Pennsylvania.
  • Period: to

    13 colonies

    this timeline is about how the 13 colonies were founded