
Prophets of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Community of Christ)

  • Birth of Joseph Smith

    Birth of Joseph Smith
    Joseph Smith, jr. - 1st prophet and president of the restored church was born on this day in Sharon, Vermont.
  • Birth of Joseph Smith the III

    Birth of Joseph Smith the III
    The son of Joseph & Emma Smith was born in Kirtland, Ohio. He was prophet and president of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for many years.
  • Joseph Smith jr. assassinated

    Joseph Smith jr. assassinated
    Joseph Smith jr. was assassinated on this date in Carthage, Illinois where he was being held prisoner in the county jail.
  • Ordination of "Young Joseph"

    Ordination of "Young Joseph"
    On this date Joseph Smith III is ordained as prophet and president of the "new organization."
  • Birth of Frederick Madison Smith

    Link to online biography of FM Smith by his wifeThe son of Joseph Smith III was born in Lamoni, Iowa on this date.
  • Birth of Israel A. Smith

    Birth of Israel A. Smith
    The 4th president of the RLDS church was born on this day in Plano, Illinois. Here he is shown with the Presiding Bishopric - Israel A is on the left
  • Birth of W Wallace Smith

    Another grandson of Joseph Smith jr. is born is Lamoni, Iowa. He is one of three brothers that will in turn lead the RLDS.
  • Birth of William Wallace Smith

    Link to an online biography on the Community of Christ website.On this date WW Smith was born in Lamoni, Iowa.
  • Death of Joseph Smith III

    Death of Joseph Smith III
    After leading the Reorganization for 54 years "young" Joseph died in Independence, Missouri.
  • Frederick M Smith is ordained prophet

    The grandson of Joseph Smith jr. is ordained prophet and president of the Reorganized Church on this day.
  • Death of Frederick Madison Smith

    Death of Frederick Madison Smith
    After serving over 30 years as prophet and president of the RLDS church "FM" died in Independence, Missouri
  • Ordination of Israel A. Smith

    Following his brother FM's death, Israel A. Smith is ordained prophet and president of the RLDS church.
  • Death of Israel A. Smith

    Death of Israel A. Smith
    President Israel A. Smith was killed in an automobile accident on this date.
  • Ordination of WW Smith

    Online biography at Community of Christ website On this date William Wallace Smith is ordained President of the High Priest on this date.
  • Ordination of William Wallace Smith

    WW Smith was ordained President of the High Priesthood on this date. He was the third grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. to lead the Reorganization.
  • Wallace B. Smith is ordained president

    A brief overview of Brother Wallace B Smith's presidency is at this link.During world conference Wallace B. Smith is ordained president of the church after serving a two-year internship.
  • Death of William Wallace Smith

    After leading the RLDS church into many new countries WW Smith died in Independence, Missouri.
  • Grant McMurray ordained president of the church

    Grant's PresidencyAn overview of Grant McMurray's years as president of the church is at the following link.
  • Steve Veazey is ordained as church's president

    more information about Brother Veazey at this linkSteve Veazey is the current president of the Community of Christ
  • Death of WW Smith

    On this date President Emeritus William Wallace Smith died in Independence, Missouri.