The History of Instructional Design The History of Instructional Design

  • School Museums

    School Museums
    school museums came into existence
  • First school museum

    First school museum
    First school museum was opened in St. Louis
  • Instructional Film

    Instructional Film
    First instructional film catalog was published
  • Radio

    Instructional radio usage was growing during this time
  • Department of Visual Instruction

    Department of Visual Instruction
    Department of Visual Instruction was created, which is now called AECT
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression began
  • Behavior objectives

    Behavior objectives
    Ralph Tyler wrote, "Each objective must be defined in terms which clarify the kind of behavior which the course should help to develop"
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II began
  • Media Research

    Media Research
    Media Research
  • Objectives

    In the 1950s behavior objectives were given a boost when Taxonomy of educational objectives was published
  • Televison

    Beginning in the 1950s, the interest in television increased for instruction
  • Programmed instruction movement

    Programmed instruction movement
    Programmed instruction movement
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik
  • Criterion-referenced testing

    Criterion-referenced testing
    In the early 1960s, criterion-referenced testing emerged
  • Events of Instruction

    Events of Instruction
    In the same edition, Gagne also published the events of instruction
  • Conditions of Learning

    Conditions of Learning
    The first edition of the conditions of learning was published
  • Instructional Television

    Instructional Television
    By the mid-1960s, the use of instructional television had abated
  • Evaluations

    In the mid-1960s, Scriven named this tryout and revision process formative evaluation and contrasted it with summative evaluation
  • Instructional Design Models

    Instructional Design Models
    During the 1970s the number of instructional design models increased
  • computers

    by the end of the 1970s, CAI had very little impact on education
  • Cognitive Psychology

    Cognitive Psychology
    During the 1980s the was an increase of interest in Cognitive Psychology
  • Instructional Design Models

    Instructional Design Models
    In the 1980s instructional design models had little impact
  • Instructional Computers

    Instructional Computers
    By 1983 computers were being used for instructional purposes
  • Constructivism

    During the 1990s there was an increase of interest in constructivism