The History of India

By 202232
  • 3500 BCE

    The settlement of the Indus River Valley begins

    The settlement of the Indus River Valley begins
    The Indus Valley people lived in mud-brick homes in planned cities. They created toys, pottery, and many other things. They had their own system of reading and writing. Some people even had indoor pluming!
  • 500 BCE

    Buddhism is founded in India

    Buddhism is founded in India
    Siddharta Guatama, a prince in a kingdom near the present day India-Nepal border. After his enlightenment, his followers started to call him Buddha, which means, "enlightened one".
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander the Great invades India

    Alexander the Great invades India
    The Indian campaign of Alexander the Great began in 326 BC. After conquering the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, the Macedonian king (and now the great king of the Persian Empire) Alexander launched a campaign into India.
  • 300 BCE

    The Gupta Dynasty is founded in northern India

    The Gupta Dynasty is founded in northern India
    The Gupta Empire stretched across northern, central, and parts of southern India. This period is noted for its art, architecture, science, and religion.
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Tamerlane (Timur) invades and destroys Delhi

    Tamerlane (Timur) invades and destroys Delhi
    Timur, the founder of the Timurid Dynasty, was the conqueror of Western, South and Central Asia in the 14th century.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Guru Nanak founds the Sikh religion

    Guru Nanak founds the Sikh religion
    Guru Nanak (20 October 1469 - 7 May 1539) is the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus.
  • The British East India Company lands its first ship in India

    The British East India Company lands its first ship in India
    The first English ship to land in India was the Red Dragon. It was sent for spices and things of the culture.
  • About one million Indian soldiers fight on the British side in World War I

    About one million Indian soldiers fight on the British side in World War I
    The First World War had lasting consequences that extended far beyond Europe. It set in motion forces that developed into India’s independence movement.
  • Gandhi is assassinated

    Gandhi is assassinated
    Nathuram Vinayak Godse was his assassin. It was done during an evening prayer ceremony at Birla House in Delhi.
  • Mother Teresa dies

    Mother Teresa dies
    Mother Teresa was a great, inspiring woman who worked for peace in the world and to help the poor. She started schools for the people in slums and did her best to give all she had.
    (from my memory and culturegrams and our exhibit)
  • India and the United States sign a nuclear deal during a visit by U.S. president George W. Bush

    India and the United States sign a nuclear deal during a visit by U.S. president George W. Bush
    It was made by president W. Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh