Hsie history of human rights timeline

The history of human rights

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 539 BCE

    Ancient egypt

    Initially there were no human rights, those who were in the right crowd were safe and those who were not involved in those crowd weren't
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus the great conquers Babylon

    Cyrus the great conquers Babylon
    Cyrus performed a revolutionary act that was the initiation of human rights. Cyrus announced that all slaves were free to go, he also said people were free to choose their religion no matter what crowd they were a part of. These words of freedom were documented on a clay tablet known as the Cyrus cylinder.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 27 BCE

    The idea of Human Rights spread

    After Cyrus made his announcement in Egypt and human rights were formed the idea spread. Human rights ideology spread quickly to Greece and India (272 bc) and eventually to Rome.
  • Period: 27 BCE to 27 BCE

    Natural law

    Once the idea of human rights reached Rome it was realised that people naturally follow laws even if they weren't told to, This is when natural law was born.
  • Period: 30 to 1215

    Natural law kept getting dismissed

    Every time the idea of human rights was introduced someone in power would trample over it and over rule it.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The king of England agreed that no one, not even a king can overrule the rights of the people. He did this by signing the Magna Carta.
  • Petition of right

    An English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections against the state, reportedly of equal value to the Magna Carta
  • British Bill of rights

    An Act of the Parliament of England that set out certain basic civil rights and clarified who would be next to inherit the Crown. It remains a crucial statute in English constitutional law. This act was the result of people's rights somewhat being recognised and then now being safe from those in power.
  • America Declares Independence

    America being declared independent was a way to get the message across to those in power that all men were created equal and human rights can't be overruled.
  • Americain Revolution

    The American revolution was A political battle between British America. America was born from this and they gained their rights.
  • French Revolution

    France led their own revolution for their own rights. They had made a long list of rights they insisted that these rights were natural rights.
  • natural law becomes natural rights

    The roman concept of natural law was turned into natural rights after the french revolution.
  • Napoleon invades Europe

    Napoleon decided to over through the new french democracy and name him self emperor of the world.
  • Europe retaliates against Napoleon

    The countries of Europe joined together and defeated him. After this event Human rights became a 'hot topic' once again.
  • Europe gains human rights

    After napoleon was overthrown those in power came together and granted the citizens of Europe many human rights, but only Europe. This resulted in the rest of the world being invaded and conquered by Europe.
  • Ghandi

    Mahatma Gandhi leads protests in India and insisted that ALL people on earth had rights.
  • Period: to

    Gandhi's work through out this time period

    1919 a massacre occurred at a peaceful gathering at Jallianwala Bagh. 1930 Gandhi lead the sea salt massacre which was a civil act of disobedience to protest British rule in India.1931 the Gandhi- Irwin pact was formed. This is a political pack between Gandhi and Irwin which made the British government concede in a list of demands.
  • Period: to

    WW1 and WW2

    during this time period, Human rights had never been so close to extinction, especially during WW2 and in nazi concentration camps killing 6 million Jewish people and the total death toll is around 90 million.
  • Citizens of Europe listens to Ghandi

    Europe agreed to what Gandhi was saying and the Gandhi- Irwin pact was formed.
  • United Nations

    After the end of WW2, the united nations was formed. Their purpose was " ...To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person."
  • The universal declaration of human rights

    After many years of fighting over human rights and establishing what it is the UN finally came together and brought forth the Universal Declaration of human rights.