Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400
Dark Ages
The Study of medical science stopped for over 1000 years.
Medicine practiced only in monasteries and convents.
Used herbal medicine
There were many plagues and epidenics- bubonic plague, small pox, diphtheria, syphilis, tuberulosis -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
The Renaissance
Rebirth of Science
Medical Schools were built
The Printing press mad books possible and knowledge was shared.
Accepted the study of the body by dissection. -
Jan 1, 1500
Andreas Veesalius and Leanardo Da Vinci
Dissected human bodies and made the first anatomical drawings. These helped in understanding the organs and systems of the human body. -
Jan 1, 1500
William Harvey
Described the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart. -
Jan 1, 1500
Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
Invented the microscope -
Benjamin Franklin
Invented bifocals and found that colds could be passed from person to person -
Edward Jenner
Developed the vaccine for small pox -
Rene Laennec
Invented the Stethoscope -
Joseph Lister
The First doctor to use an antiseptic during sex to prevent infection in the incision. -
Ignas Semmelweiss
Identified the cause of maternal infections and instituted hand washing. -
Louis Pasteur
Rabies vaccine proved that microorganisms caused disease and discovered tha theathing milk prevented the growth of bacteria(Pasteurization) -
Robert Koch
Father of Microbiology. -
Elizabeth Blackwell
The first women to qualify as a doctor in the U.S. Inspired Florence NIghtingale to pursue nursing. -
Clara Barton
Founded the American Red Cross -
Wilheim Roentgen
Descovered x-rays. This descovery allowed doctors to see inside the body to discover what was wrong witht hte patient. -
Marie Curie
isolated raidum -
Sir Alexander Flemming
Descovered Penicillin -
Jonas Salk
Developed the polio vaccine -
First Test Tube Baby
Louis Brown -
AIDS is named
Announce AIDS to the world
Start having blood tests. -
Tissue Cloning
The process of creating an identical copy of an origional. -
Gene Mapping
Refers to the mappin gof genes to specific locatoins on chromosomes. -
Surgery on minute body structures or cells performed with the aid of a microscope and other specialized instruments, such as a micromanipulator.