The History of Gifted Education

  • Systematic Educational System

    Systematic Educational System
    St. Louis Superintendent William Torrey Harris tried to set up the first systematic educational programming for gifted students.
  • Testing for Giftedness

    Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon see the need to have test to determine giftedness and develop the idea of a "mental age".
  • First Gifted Textbook Published

    First Gifted Textbook Published
    Leta Hollingworth publishes "The Gifted Child: Their Nature and Nurture". During this time, The Great Depression undercuts gifted education and favors a general or common standard of education for all.
  • Brown vs. the Board of Education

    Brown vs. the Board of Education
    This ends "separate but equal education".
    Ann Isaac establishes The National Association of Gifted education.
  • The Maryland Report

    This is the first formal document asking schools to give a broad definition of giftedness. This definition includes terms like visual and performing artist, leadership ability, creative and productive thinking.
  • Multiple Intelligences

    Multiple Intelligences
    Howard Gardner introduces 7 different multiple intelligence types, that later becomes 8.
  • Gifted Program Standards Published

    Gifted Program Standards Published
    Pre K- 12th Grade receive guidance for programs serving gifted and talented students.