Jun 3, 1001
Caveman identified youth who excelled at speat throwing, tracking game, pictorial representations and mystical acumen. -
Heredity and natural selection
Francis Galton’s work, Hereditary Genius, is published indicating that intelligence was passed through successive generations to conclude through statistical methods that intelligence was derived from heredity and natural selection. -
Psychological testing
French researchers, Binet and Simon, develop a series of tests to identify children of inferior intelligence. Their notion of mental age revolutionizes the science of psychological testing by capturing intelligence in a single numerical outcome. -
The “father” of the gifted education movement
The Father of the Gifted MovementLewis Terman, publishes the Stanford-Binet, forever changing intelligence testing and the face of American education. -
First textbook on gifted education
Leta Hollingworth publishes Gifted Child: Their Nature and Nurture, what is considered to be the first textbook on gifted education. -
Separate but equal education
Brown vs. The Board of Education ends “separate but equal education.” -
Office of the Gifted and Talented
The Office of the Gifted and Talented housed within the U. S Office of Education is given official status. -
Gifted Defined
The definition of gifted and talented students is modified again. Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activi