Period: 400 BCE to
The History of English Language
Period: 400 to
The History of English Language
First Germanic Tribes
Three Germanic tribes arrive in England from the lowlands on the other side of the North Sea. The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. -
Period: 450 to 1100
Old English
Viking Incursions
Viking's suddenly attacked England culture adding there culture into. -
Suspected Date of Beowulf's Writing
English text started to emerge and it was written by Beowulf but it was older than what it was actually dated. -
The Norman Invasion
An invasion by an army of Norman, Breton, Flemish, and French soldiers that brought in French language. -
The Danes and English Mix
Many Scandinavian loanwords enter the language. That is where we get the pronouns them, they, and their. -
Period: 1100 to 1500
Middle English
First book since the Norman Invasion
The English kings lose the duchy of Normandy to French kings. First book in English appears since the conquest. -
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Literature arose that was written by Chaucer. These stories happened to be years and years old already because they were based on times that had happened 100's of years back. -
English became official
The English language became the official language to use in the book of law. -
Printing Press
The printing press was invented which allowed people to start documenting things more easily. This led to people learning to read. -
North America was discovered
North America was discovered which added more language into the English language, once again changing things up. -
Period: 1500 to
Modern and Early Modern English
Kings James Bible
The Kings James Bible was printed. This has influenced English writing forever. -
Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio
This was the first print of Shakespeare's plays. -
The American Revolution
The American Revolution was a war that led to the creation of the new nation. -
Period: to
Late Modern English
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark went on an expedition through the Louisiana Purchase which gave light to even more language and literature -
The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress was opened to public. -
Mark Twain
Mark Twain published his first book that began the change in literature and the vocabulary used.