Anglo-Saxon Settlement of Britian Begins
Earliest Old English Inscriptions
Arrival of St. Augustine
Jan 14, 600
Anglo-Saxon language covers most of modern-day England
Jan 14, 792
Viking Raids of Britain Begin
Jan 14, 800
Suspected date of Beowulf writing
Jan 14, 871
"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" is begun
Jan 14, 1154
"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" discontinued
Jan 14, 1167
Oxford University established
Jan 14, 1385
English replaces Latin as main language in schools
Jan 14, 1388
Chaucer begins "The Canterbury Tales"
Jan 14, 1450
The Great Vowel Shift begins
Jan 14, 1500
Start of English Renaissance
Death of William Shakespeare
First Folio of Shakespeare's works is published
United States ends slavery after Civil War
End of World War Two
Fall of the Berlin Wall
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