the history of english

By z.w3115
  • 500

    Old english

    Old english
    The times that old english was spoken and written 500ad-1000ad. some examples are Uhtcaere, EXPERGEFACTOR, and staddle
  • 570

    Birth of mohammed

    The prophet muhammad is born creating the religion what is now known as muslim.
  • 576

    fall of rome

    The roman empire fell turning over a new leaf in the world
  • 732

    battle of tours

    An important battle during the Umayyad invasion of Gaul.
  • 1000

    the Norman invasion

    The norman invasion was the occupancy of early Britain by people form the area of normandy. They brought with them language that has shaped the way old english was written and spoken. The language they brought became the language of the royal court and higher classes.
  • 1100

    beowulf's writing

    written between the 8th and 11th century an anonymous poet called beowulf wrote many poems. He was an anglo saxton poet
  • 1150

    middle english

    middle english
    the timespan of middle english spoken from 1150 ad -1500ad. some examples are Artow, Beth and brenne
  • 1271

    Marco polo

    Marco Polo makes his journey to china.
  • 1377

    death of edward 3

    Edward the Third dies leading to the crowning of Richard the 2nd
  • 1386

    the canterbury tales

    The canterbury tales is a book written by Geoffrey Chaucer which spans 24 tales and 17000 lines of old english. He also became the controller of customs and justice of peace in these times.
  • 1440

    invention of the printing press

    The printing press revolutionised writing and who could read or write. Before this only the rich could read and it took long to produce writing. After it became much more affordable and writing could be mass produced.
  • 1453

    fall of constantinople

    The turkish empire took over constantinople.
  • Aug 12, 1492

    the discovery of north america

    The discovery of north america was turning over a new leaf and added many new words to the english language because many things had never been encountered before.
  • 1500

    modern english

    modern english
    The time period modern english was spoken and written span from 1500ad-1800ad
  • 1517

    martin luther

    Martin Luther official protests the catholic church.
  • shakespeare's first folio

    The first folio of shakespeare is an extraordinary book. It was the first time that many of shakespeare's plays were published.
  • start of the industrial revolution

    The start of the industrial revolution which led to the modern world.
  • The american revolution

    When the americans declared independence from Britain they wrote the declaration of independence which is one of the most well known documents around the world.
  • the eiffel tower

    the eiffel tower is built as a symbol of the eiffel tower.