First Commercial Coal Production in US Begins in Richmond, VA
By the late 1700s the coal was being used to heat the homes of early settlers. Picture: http://www.historyinsidepictures.com/Pages/MonongahCoalMineTownandFairmontCoalCompanyHistoryandPictures.aspx -
Process of Electrolysis Discovered
William Nicholson and Sit Anthony Carlisle discover that applying electric currents to water produces hydrogen and oxygen gases, which will aid in the development of hydrogen energy. Picture: http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/collections/chemistry-calendar/may-2#otdic_content -
First Natural Gas Well in US Drilled
William Hart, regarded as the “father of natural gas” dug the first gas well in the US in Fredonia, NY. Picture: http://www.naturphilosophie.co.uk/craic-fracking-technical-facts-hydraulic-fracturing/ -
Coal Becomes Primary Locomotive Fuel in US, Displacing Wood
The Tom Thumb, the first American-built locomotive, was manufactured to burn coal. This proves to be a big turning point in the coal industry! Picture: https://www.pinterest.com/achris3470/trains/ -
Windmill Becomes Popular Water Pumping Tool of Western Homesteaders and Railroad Builders
Windmills transformed the resource of wind into an agent to alleviate the shortage of water. Windmills will soon be established throughout the US. Picture: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 -
First Commercial Oil Well Drilled by Edwin Drake in PA; Kerosene Begins to Displace Other Lamp Fuels
As coal gas was growing more popular than whale oil, it was not the most efficient fuel. E.L. Drake sought petroleum with a small steam engine, and started America’s first petroleum rush! The petroleum was then refined to Kerosene, and became the new way to light homes. Picture: http://statemuseumpa.org/hat-connects-drake-well-historic-founder/ -
John D. Rockefeller Forms Standard Oil and Develops Petroleum as a Major Energy Source in the US.
Rockefeller formed the Standard Oil Company of Ohio and headed up oil exploration! Petroleum would now become the primary energy source around the world. Picture: https://ushist4b.wikispaces.com/rockefeller+and+standard+oil-b -
Thomas Edison Builds the First Electric Plant in NY
On September 4, Edison threw the switch that would start up America’s first power plant! Picture: https://9581230567.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-history-of-electrification.html -
Worlds First Flex Fuel Vehicle, The Ford Model-T, Goes into Mass Production
The Ford Model-T is the first vehicle to run on either ethanol or gasoline, and this will shape the transportation world to how it is today! Picture: http://www.findingdulcinea.com/news/on-this-day/September-October-08/On-this-Day--The-First-Model-T-Ford-Is-Produced.html -
Hoover Dam, the World’s Largest Hydroelectric Power Plant, is built
Starting construction in 1931, the dam is finished in 1935 and remains the largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world until 1948! Picture: http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015