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The History of Education in America

  • The very first School - 1823

    SAMUEL READ HALL-forunded the first normal school Columbian School in concord, Vermoont
  • 19th Century

    Colonial New England encouraged its Town to support free public schools funded by taxation. This era lead education reform and Public education with programs designed by Horace Mann. The three Rs were introduced- Reading, Writing, and arithmetic included history and geography Civli war -1861-1865- cities began building high schools the south was very behind and gave weak support to the ducational system due to slavery becoming the norm.
  • 20th Century

    Catholic population led to the formation of parochial schools in the largest cities.
    from about 1876, 39 states passed a constitutional amendment called James G.Blaine, chief promoters, forbidding the use of public tax money to fund local parochial schools. 1870, every state had free elementary schools, Ages of Mass migration (1850-1914)if more European immigrants with lower exposure to civic values.
  • Booker T. Washignton

    Reconstruction of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute was founded in 1818, in Tuskegee, Alabama- training Colored Teachers (1856-1915). Such as A& M Agricultural and Mechanical or A &T Agricultural and Technical. The Committee of Ten- 1892 and National Education Association leading to believe children should receive twelve years of instruction. 8 years of grammar school. four years of high school.
  • Before Books, Schools, and Teachers Children learned to explore through exploration and adventures, The sense of education was brought about by exploring different habitats and beginning life. With agriculture growing, children was forced to work and education became suppressed. 19th century, England passed laws limiting child labor.
  • 20th Century

    1910, only 72% of children were attending school Private schools began to spread as well as colleges High school movement resulted in a rapid increase in public high school enrollment and graduation. World War II- High school rates dropped due to the enlistment for war.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    1954- The supreme court case Brown V. Board of education of Topeka, Kansas racial desegregation of public elementary and high schools mandatory, but this showed black teachers rose in the north and declined in the South. Brown v. Board of Education in PBS' The Supreme Court
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act EAHCA or EHA or Public Law (PL) 94 -142

    this law was enacted by United States Congress in 1975 all public schools accept in federal funds to provide equal access to education and one free meal a day for children with physical and mental disabilities. Evaluations of all disabled children needed to be completed and education plans in place, this was then amended to part B of the Education of the Handicapped Act enacted in 1966.
  • Board of Education Hendrick Hudson Central School District V. Rowley-1982

    United States Supreme Court case- Amy Rowley a deaf student, whose school refused to provide sign language interpreter, parents filed a lawsuit contending violation of Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975. The vote stood at a 6-3 decision authored by Justice Rehnquist, public schools were not required by law to provide sign language interpreters to deaf students.
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    The Act of Congress reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education act it included Title I provisions applying to disadvantage students. It Supported standards-based education reform.This Act required states to develop assessments in basic skills.
  • The Great Recession 2008-2009

    Caused a sharp decline in tax revenue in all cities and states.But education budgets. Obamas $800 billion for public schools,
    Race to the Top grant Program, with $15 billion at atske, many states revised their education laws. Thus, in 2010 student loan debt became recognized as a social problem.
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