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The History of Education

  • Horace Mann is appointed the first Secretary of Education

    Horace Mann is appointed the first Secretary of Education
    Horace Mann helped create the State Board of Education. His leadership brought positive changes in the education system, shaping what it is today. He brought higher standards on educators, advocated for a centralized, free education system and fought for equality. According to our text, "Under Mann's leadership, an unorganized and differing series of community school systems became a unified state school system, both in his state and throughout the Northern States"(Kaplan & Owings, 2015, p.117).
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    This was a monumental moment in history as it was the first time the decision had been made to no longer discriminate or segregate schools due to race. This was a large step towards equality in our education system. According to our text "Separate but equal practices denied African American students equal protection under the laws, according to the court. The ruling in the Brown case became a watershed moment for American education, and for larger society as well" (Kaplan & Owings, 2015, p.144).
  • All Handicapped Children Act

    All Handicapped Children Act
    This act helped provide specialized and adequate schooling for all handicapped children and allowed them to receive free education. Without this act we would not have all of the specialized programs in place to meet the educational needs of individuals with disabilities. Our text states, "At last, all children with disabilities from ages 3 to 21, inclusive, were eligible to receive these educational services in public schools" (Kaplan & Owings, 2015, p.153).
  • A Nation at Risk report

    A Nation at Risk report
    This report brought important attention to America's school systems and curriculum. This was an eye opener to changes needed to the education received and accountability for schools. It was said that "A Nation at Risk put public education front and center on the national stage by turning it into a highly visible topic for public discussion and allocation of resources" (Kaplan & Owings, 2015, p.156).
  • No Child Left Behind Act 2002

    No Child Left Behind Act 2002
    This act enabled a check and balances system to ensure all children were recieving the best possible education. This event was crucial as it created a more enriched curriculum, testing standards to hold failing schools accountable and ensured higher standards for teachers. According to the text, "Bush called the reauthorized funds program the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), arguably the most significant federal education policy initiative in a generation" (Kaplan & Owings, 2015, p.157-158).