Dame Schools
Dame school were created before the common school. In these type of school the children only learnt their ABC’s and the school was like a daycare. The teachers only were interest in teaching the status quo. -
The Blue Back Speller
Blue Back Speller- a book written by Noah Webster.His goal was to create a book for school children that would better their knowledge of the english language. -
Horace Mann
Horace Mann- first secretary of education. He visit every school to inspect them to make sure the children were getting a good education. The said that schools needed textbooks, Chairs, and also treated teachers. -
Smith school
Smith Schools- schools for African Americans that were in bad conditions - -
Frederick Douglas
Frederick Douglas – abolitionist who wanted equal education for African American students. He also believed students should be able to attend schools closer to their homes.
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The great school debate
Great School Debate of 1840- this was a debate over religion in the school and acceptance of new cultures and race. Textbooks would go against some religions and different religions wanted their own schools. -
Brown vs. Board of education
Brown vs. Board of education – A court case between Linda Brown and the board of education. Linda were turned away from school close to her house because of the color of her skin. Her Family also argued that schools should not be separated and that Linda should be given a good education like the white children. -
Civil Rights act of 1964
Civil Rights Act of 1964- outlawed discrimination based on race, color, and sex. -
Crystal City Walkout
Crystal City Walkout – the mistreat me of Hispanics students cause parents to pull their children out of schools until change came. Sudents were not just treated but also were not alow to speak spanish in the classroom. -
Title NIne
Title Nine – equal rights and opportunity for women -
Bilingual Education act
Bilingual education Act 1974- recognition of the educational needs of the large numbers of children whose first language was not English. Making sure all people were receive equal education opportunity. -
School Vouchers
School Vouchers – which were “coupons” used for schools. The vouchers also make schools complete for students. More Vouchers means more money.
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Magnet schools
Magnet Schools - are free public schools operated by a district. The Magnet schools focus on specilicxed course in science, math, englisth.
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Standardize testing
Standardized testing –
Start giving schools standardized to measure student growth.
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No Child left behind- make sure every student is learning. NCLB was signed by President Johnson which make sure all children are given a good education.