AMA Brings Innovation
The American Medical Association is established, bringing forth great advancements in medicine and medical technology. https://www.bartonassociates.com/history-of-physicians -
First American Medical Directory
The AMA creates the first medical directory in America, listing over 128,000 licensed physicians in North America. https://www.ama-assn.org/about/ama-history/ama-history -
Band-Aid Invented
Earle Dickson invents the Band-Aid http://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/10-history-of-medicine-timeline.htm -
Insulin Introduced
Insulin is first used to treat diabetes. http://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/10-history-of-medicine-timeline.htm -
First Hospital Blood Bank
Doctor Bernard Fantus establishes first hospital-based blood bank at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. https://www.bartonassociates.com/history-of-physicians -
AMA Opens Office in Washington
The AMA opens its first Washington, D.C office. https://www.ama-assn.org/about/ama-history/ama-history -
First Flu Vaccine
The first vaccine for influenza (flu) is developed. http://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/10-history-of-medicine-timeline.htm -
First Polio Vaccine
The first vaccine for polio is created by Jonas Salk. http://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/10-history-of-medicine-timeline.htm -
AMA Fights Polio
AMA recommends nationwide vaccination with the Sabin oral vaccine to prevent polio. https://www.ama-assn.org/about/ama-history/ama-history -
First Human Organ Transplant
Louis Washkansky receives the first successful organ transplant to a human, performed by surgeon Christiaan Barnard. He lived for nineteen days before dying to pneumonia caused by his weakened immune system. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-human-heart-transplant -
First EMR Developed
The Regenstrief Institute develops the first Electronic Medical Records system, which would rise in popularity later in history with the widespread usage of computers. https://www.bartonassociates.com/history-of-physicians -
AMA Fights Tobacco
The AMA begins a war on smoking, pressuring the United States government to reduce the use of tobacco products. https://www.ama-assn.org/about/ama-history/ama-history -
First Test Tube Baby Born
Louise Brown is the first human conceived and birthed through vitro fertilization. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/worlds-first-test-tube-baby-born -
Smallpox Eradicated
The disease Smallpox is eradicated by the World Health Organization through aggressive vaccination. https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/history/smallpox-origin.html -
First Artificial Heart
Dr. William DeVries successfully transplants an artificial heart into a human, allowing the patient to live for 112 more days before dying. https://www.bartonassociates.com/history-of-physicians -
First Facial Transplant
After being mauled by her dog Isabelle Dinoire is the first human patient to receive a partial facial transplant, conducted by French physicians Jean-Michel Dubernard and Bernard Devauchelle. https://www.bartonassociates.com/history-of-physicians -
First Transplanted Printed Thumb
Team of physicians successfully transplants a working 3D printed titanium thumb onto a woman who had her original thumb amputated. https://www.bartonassociates.com/history-of-physicians