
The history of Crime Scene Investigation

  • Jul 19, 700

    First Use of Fingerprints

    First Use of Fingerprints
    Friction ridge imprints were reportedly originally employed as a form of identification by the Chinese. The first instance is from a Chinese document from the Qin Dynasty called "The Volume of Crime Scene Investigation—Burglary" (221 to 206 B.C.).
  • When will they die?

    When will they die?
    Forensic scientists can determine the time of death by measuring the body's core temperature if the body is found before the ambient temperature and body temperature have reached equilibrium.
  • What is forensic ballistics?

    What is forensic ballistics?
    To determine whether or not a suspect's gun was the murder weapon, Scotland police started comparing bullets. This was the first time that ballistics testing was done
  • When was the Fingerprinting System Developed?

    When was the Fingerprinting System Developed?
    A system of fingerprint identification for Indian criminals was being developed by Sir Edward Richard Henry, a British diplomat stationed in India. Henry produced 1,024 primary classifications for fingerprints.
  • When did they first discover DNA?

    When did they first discover DNA?
    Johann Friedrich Miescher, a Swiss chemist, made the initial discovery of the DNA molecule in the 1860s. As a crucial aspect of our body's immune system, white blood cells, Johann set out to investigate their essential components. These cells primarily came from bandages covered in pus that were gathered from a neighboring clinic.