The History of Computers

By salon
  • Napier's Bones

    Napier's Bones
    John Napier created Napier's bone which was a manually operated calculating apparatus. The instrument used nine ivory strips (or bones) marked with numerals to multiply or divide. It was the first machine to use the demical point system.
  • Mark I

    Mark I
    A first generation computer. Aiken created this machine that could conduct large calculations. It was created as a collaboration between IBM and Harvard University. This device was a general-purpose electromechanical computer that was used in the last part of WWII.

    A second-generation computer. Designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly as the first general-purpose electronic digital computer design for business applications. It replaced the punched-card accounting machines of the time. It was the fastest business machine built during its' time!
  • Douglas Englebart Computer

    Douglas Englebart Computer
    Once again, the size of the computer as a whole was shrank down for more practical day to day use. It was used to connect individuals in a network that would allow them to share information in "real time". This computer was much easier to use than the older versions, as this one included a mouse and a full keyboard!
  • Personal Computers

    Personal Computers
    Computers were finally on the market for home use! The first two released were the Altair Scelbi & Mark-8, IBM 5100, and Radio Shack's TRS-80. Their uses included games, home finance organization, storing data, and more!
  • Apple Computers

    Apple Computers
    Created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, this computer, the Apple I, was the first of its kind to have a single-circuit board. In 1977, the Apple II was released which included colorful graphics and a cassette drive for storing music.
  • Gavilan SC

    Gavilan SC
    One of the first CD-ROM which could hold 550 megabytes of data, was the first of its kind to be considered portable. The screen folded down as what we know as a "laptop".
  • Apple's MacBook Pro

    Apple's MacBook Pro
    This new type of computer offered users access to the world wide web, used WiFi, and offered video-editing applications, image-editing software, 3D programs and etc.
  • Personal Handheld Computers (Smart Phones)

    Personal Handheld Computers (Smart Phones)
    Converting everything a computer has to offer, Apple released the first iPhone, a computer that was handheld and used as a personal device. This same year, Amazon released the Kindle known as the first handheld electronic reading system.